The Jacket

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Your first job has come to an end.  The three disasters have been driven out of the town, and the residents have offered to hold a celebration in your favor.  You and the others explain that as excited as you are, something of concern has arisen from this encounter, and that you must return to your guild to notify them of what you have discovered.

The town understands your need and allows you your reward, sending you off back to magnolia.  Natsu is excited to return and wolf down the first plate of food he sees back at the guild, but remembering the means of getting back puts him into a really deep depression, along with Wendy who recalls how useful her Troia spell was.

The train ride back is pretty much the same for Natsu, who is lying on the floor making unsettling sounds into the carpet.  Happy decides to sit on the fire breathers back and think of jokes against Lucy, who is sitting across from you with a sinister expression from the mass amount of insults the cat is spitting out.

A finger lightly taps your shoulder, stealing your attention from the blue exceed to a blue-haired girl sitting next to you.  "So (y/n), do you use quake magic like that guy from Starcall?  His magic seemed to have no effect on you."

You shake your head and laugh mischievously.  "No I don't.  I use a rare type of magic which happens to be a type of counter attack.  I know there's a kind of magic called mirror magic, but that's not what I use, mine's more efficient, I don't need to summon anything."

Wendy seems to contemplate on the explanation but doesn't quite understand.  "Counter attack?  But if that were true, then you would have sent the rocks flying back at him instead, right?  But you caused a wave in the ground and held an attack to break the wall down."

You laugh at the sentence, but sigh on the inside, knowing you'll have to explain this very specifically.  At least it's something to pass the time by.  "No, that's not what I meant.  I don't necessarily reflect an attack back, I absorb the magic power used from the attack and use it to power my own strike.  It's actually quite powerful in its own way, but it's got its fair share of weaknesses.  For example, I can block any kind of physical magic like rocks, water, or anything else in solid or liquid form.  Stuff like lightning, fire, poison, or other kinds of gases or plasma will break through my shield and hit me."

Lucy seems to be intrigued by the idea of your magic, similar to how the master was when he first met you.  "Wow, so you might be able to overcome Gray quite easily, but Natsu could destroy you in a second."  She looks down at the fire dragon slayer who is hanging on for dear life down on the floor.  "Well, not in his current state though." 

You follow her gaze and observe the ill wizard on the floor.  "Yeah, the good news is I'll never have to actually fight him other than the brawls I'm gonna get myself dragged into at the guild.  What kind of magic does that pervert use anyways?"  you ask the celestial wizard across from you.  She explains how he uses ice-make magic, giving you a dilemma.  "Gray might have an advantage over me if he knows what to do though.  He could easily trap me in ice and beat me right there.  Other than that, a hand to hand battle with him would leave me in the lead."

The rest of the ride back to Magnolia, Wendy, Lucy, and yourself start describing each other's magic and past adventures.  It's originally how you imagined the train ride going.  It put some joy in your heart as the smiles and laughs of the two kept your spirit afloat. 

Enjoy it while it lasts.


Returning to the guild, you and your team are greeted by multiple other members, including the master.  Making your way through the small group, you head over to elder to let him know of what you have heard.  "Hey, master, I need to speak with you regarding the mission we just went on.  I was told something that raised concern."

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