The Blind Swordsman

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The world around you is heating up, your heart rate was increasing from the adrenaline rushing through your blood.  The opponent standing before you is one of the high class fighters of Wolf Blood, a guild responsible for so much torment and distress in your past.  A blindfold covers his eyes, sending questions through your head once again.  

You take no time to power up your strike and throw a boosted punch right toward Shoji's face.  The force created a gust of wind with the strength of the strike, but Shoji easily dodges it with minimal amounts of movement.

You curse to yourself and glare at the swordsman in rivalry.  Very quickly you look back to Wendy to ensure her safety, seeing that she was recovering rather quickly and looked ready to assist you, you turn back around and look over the opponent.  Something is screaming inside you as you observe him, perhaps it's the rage of seeing Wendy hurt again... or maybe it's something else.  Instead you begin with a couple of questions to ease your curiosity.  "So... Shoji.  The blindfold you got right there, are you actually blind or is that just some kind of training technique or power seal?"  You stand up straight and take more of a casual pose.

Surprisingly, Shoji follows your lead and holds the sword down to his side, standing casually as well.  "I am not blind, I can see perfectly well.  This blindfold, like you said, is a training and strategy technique.  It is also used to hide my eyes from the horrors of this world, horrors that guilds like you burn into this earth."  There is hatred in his voice, a tone of rage and fury, but at the same time... fear?

You think for a moment and fold your arms.  "What do you mean horrors?  If anything Fairy Tail is a guild that brings hope not death, unlike the guild you stand for, which is the complete opposite."  You state your ground and stare at the swordsman.

A frown grew on this only visible part of his face, and he held the sword up to you.  "Silence!  How dare you speak about my guild in such a crude and inferior way.  Wolf Blood has saved my life from your guilds rampage."  

Something in your heart sinks as you listen to him, not understanding what he meant by Fairy Tail's rampage.  "What are you talking about?  Fairy Tail works to save lives not destroy them!  As destructive as they are... They've got hearts of heroes.  Do you not know what guild you are in?  You are in a dark guild!  Their mission is to destroy this town and kill everyone in it!"  You defend Fairy Tail and clench your fists.

"Lies!  Fairy Tail killed my family!  They killed my family directly in front of me!  And they enjoyed it!"  He has had just about enough and charged at you, taking his sword and swinging it towards your stomach.  You easily block it with your magic, and cancel the shadows with the light from it.

Huh... So I can protect against shadow magic.  You grin as you realize you have a huge advantage against Shoji now, yet still have to deal with his reflexes and speed.  You throw another powered strike at Shoji but he easily dodges like last time.  "Oh come on!  How do you do that while blindfolded!"  You whine like a little child at your second miss.

Shoji keeps a solid face as he holds his sword at the ready.  "I can feel the tension in your body, I can sense the motion of the moves you will make.  I do not need sight to be able to know where you are.  In other words... You're predictable."  So are you creep... The two of you stand in battle stances once again, waiting for the other to make a move.  

You can feel your heart racing as you grin, somehow enjoying the fight between you two, like a fun little game of tag between children on a playground.  "(Y/N) let me help you!  I can increase your speed and-"  Wendy stepped up suddenly and offered assistance, but you stopped her by holding up a hand.

"No thanks... Something about Shoji tells me it would be better to face him with honor in a one on one.  Does that sound good to you, partner?"  You direct the question back to Shoji who simply nods his head with his typical determined expression, no interest in truly sparring for fun.

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