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Quick Authors note:  This chapter will involve viewpoints from other characters.  I will be sure to notify when the viewpoint changes.  Also I need feedback people!  I want to know what everyone thinks and if I should change anything.

I am also very sorry for the long wait, I've been rather busy in life right now. High School, work, and theater productions have crippled my writing speed.

Alright back to the story.


The sky has began it's decent into darkness, the clouds hovering above the earth slowly progressing into a dark grey.  A slight sprinkle of precipitation introduced itself to all the wizards scrambling around the town of Magnolia.  The cold wind would blow through the streets and bring chills down everyone's back as it ventured through the valleys of buildings.

The town was loud with sounds of explosions and other magic.  The amount of sounds coming from different areas of the town gives away the news that the eight masters of pain weren't the only wizards attacking the town.  It was only known by the others in combat whether or not they are as strong as the masters or as pathetic as the disasters.  But the sheer amount of sounds crashing around the city only told you that no matter how strong they are, there is still a dangerously large amount of them.  You became curious as to why they would try and attack the town themselves when they could simply sit up in that dumb airship and let the death ray devastate the entire city.

Questions flooded your head regarding Wolf Blood's strategy, but the biggest question was the one that lied in front of you.  You stared at the empty road, where Kai, the 'wolf' of Wolf Blood, was lying in severe pain just before being pulled into darkness.  You fall to the ground and let yourself get a face full of gravel, releasing the stress off your torn legs.  The enemy that tried to torture and kill you as slow as possible, you ended up trying to save their life.  This guild, Fairy Tail.  This is nothing like you've ever seen before.  They show mercy to the ones who threaten to kill them, showing the light that those people still have in them, ridding them of the darkness that fueled their hate.  Even though one of the eight have surrendered, something tells you not all of them will be much of the same.

"Unbelievable"  You muttered under your breath, getting the attention of the spirits standing nearby you.  "I'm a dedicated protector of this group, but look at this."  You motion to the empty road and Max who was still rather bloody and bruised.  "Look at all this devastation I allowed to happen.  Look at this.  I couldn't even protect Max, or save Kai.  I just let someone who was crying die right before me!"  You take your bloody hands and claw into the loose gravel of the road.  "What kind of pathetic guardian am I?"  you strike the ground with your fist in guilt.  What if I could have saved her?  Did I hold back?  Did I let my hatred and bias towards Wolf Blood cripple my abilities to save her life?

The questions flooding through your head were halted when you felt a soft hand rest upon your shoulder.  You only had enough strength to turn your head slightly and see the celestial spirit, Aries, on her knees next to you.  "I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault, it was mine for making that cloud which pulled her into darkness."  Her face looked just as guilty as yours did.  Not only you two, but Lucy seemed to feel responsible as well, as she was on her knees silently watching the road.  "Lucy we should probably get them back to the guild."

A moment of silence floats around everyone before Lucy stands up and looks at Aries.  "Alright, that's a good idea.  You can go ahead and head back to the spirit realm now Aries thanks for you help."  The pink haired girl vanished into mist just after apologizing again.  "Virgo, I'll help Max."  She stares at the deep and bloody cuts in your legs.  "I'm not sure if (y/n) can walk, so can you carry them back to the guild?"  She requests as she offered Max a shoulder for him to walk easier.

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