The Tear of a Wolf

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The guild stood behind you, staring at the approaching airship.  You stood there for a long time, watching the Rara Avis, as if you were waiting for some miracle to happen and send it crashing down along with everyone else that was on their way.  Citizens began gathering out on the roads, becoming curious from the object coming for the town.  Seeing the large amount of innocent people grouping up in the center of the road to watch the airship approach sends the horrific realization of the disaster that would occur if the Rara Avis were to fire that beam on the town.

Warren was behind you, and he made the same discovery.  He put his hand to the temple of his head and moments later seemed as if he had a heart attack.  "Oh my gosh... We need to get the citizens out of here, there are a bunch of wizards invading the city!"  What is he talking about?  Were the eight masters of pain coming to cause even more havoc, or was there something worse coming your way?  The questions began to flow into your mind again, but you stop those from preoccupying you with little business that needed to held until later.  You needed to focus on getting the citizens to safety.

The master took no time in gathering everyone in the guild.  "Fairy Tail!  This is an emergency!  the citizens of Magnolia are in danger, we must protect them at all costs!  Now go my children!  Spread throughout the town and make haste!"  The master hurried off on his own way down the road, followed by the rest of the guild.  You scurried along with them, taking your own path to cover more ground.

Max decided on going with you to lend a hand in case you got yourself in a pinch.  You allowed him to accompany you so that you had a better offense.  Warren camped back at the guild and started feeding everyone information about the status and lo0cations of all the guild members, along with the approaching threats.  He has said that three powerful wizards have already entered Magnolia, supposedly ones from the eight masters of pain.  This wouldn't have been a problem if he didn't mention that there was one moving towards you and Max.

You needed to work fast.  You rounded up the small amount of citizens that were wandering the streets and sent them to the guild where they would be protected.  Some were hesitant and retreated back into their homes while others complied right away and hurried to the guild hall.  You ignored the ones that went back inside hoping that they wouldn't be noticed or found by Wolf Blood.

Getting the last civilian to safety, Warren warns you that one of the wizards is dangerously close to you.  "Quick (y/n) hide!  We don't know who we're up against."  He whispered to you and dashed into an alley.  You followed close behind him and hid behind a corner, peeking out ever so slightly to see who was walking by.

A strange girl walked past, wearing a simple white T-shirt and a pair of sweats.  She looked exactly like the wizard that Lamia Scale was fighting against back in the Gray Lynx Forest but this time she was covered in blood and cuts, her clothes took a major beating as well, but she walked as if she was completely unharmed.  The oddest thing about her is that she had wolf ears and a tail!  Oh great not this crap again.  The good news is she simply walked along the street and ignored the alley you and Max were hiding in.

Max let off a sigh of relief and dusts himself off.  "So... Who was that?  It's a good thing they didn't see us in here."

You were about to agree to his statement, but Max's face was suddenly filled with horror, and you feel a sharp pain digging into your shoulders.  "Just kidding, I could smell you two from a mile away!"  A raspy female voice echoed from behind you, but you didn't get a chance to turn around and see who was talking before you were thrown by your shoulder out onto the road without care.  You skipped along the pavement and scrapped your face along the rough surface and opened multiple cuts along the side of head.  Once you landed you were staring up at the sky, dazed and in pain.  You could feel a hot liquid rolling down from numerous locations on your head.  Bringing your hand to it, you feel your face covered in the warm fluid.  You lift your hand and observe the crimson blood that was splattered all over your hand.

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