Chapter five

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Amberlique's POV

Nadine ,Jenna and I got out of the car . Check ourselves in the mirror and walked to the party. To be quite honest I have never been to senior party or  any  party with children my age . Its not that I was not invited or anything, it was because I  am not that kind of girl .I thought that at these things would be dangerous and I did not wanna take that chance and was I right. As we approached the building I was so disgusted by the site in front of me . Half naked girls vomiting in the grass, guys laying in the grass with beer bottle around them. Wow. People call this fun oh well what has this world turned into. I looked around and notice I was alone , I quickly run inside looking for the girls. I scanned the place until me eyes landed on them sitting in the Kitchen/bar.

"What the hell you guys!"I exclaimed .

"You were looking around  we got thirsty. Can you blame us we tried to call u but u were in a deep in a thought we did not want to bother. Thinking that you would find us or we would look for."Nadine explained  whiles Jenna smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes at them at just sat down. "Can I have a water please?"I asked the guy who I assumed was the bartender.

As he turned around to get my drink Jenna spoke .

"Um scratch that she would like a vodka cherry with ices please and thanks."

Before I could protested she give me a death glare and sighed and accepted my drink. Oh Jenna you are testing my practice I thought . I took a sip and was completely hooked . After about four more drinks I got up and made my way to the dance floor . Nadine and Jenna left about thirty minutes . Nadine went with
Jack and Jenna well I don't even know to be honest. She said she wanted to pee after I saw her chucking down some beer so ... Oh well. A unknown song started playing and I began to move my hips to the beat of the song . I was drunk for sure and I loved the feeling . I felt like I was free and all my problems,stress and worries went away . After awhile I felt a pair if hands around my waist ,it was a person most likely a male . I could care less so I started grinding on the person's crotch .

"Oh Amber !" the person moaned as soon as those words where said I  Froze it was Justin .

Justin's POV

I sat at in the living room of Jason's house with a Maddy and Layla . Maddy was giving me a lap dance whiles Layla was massaging my neck. This the life. Wow nothing to do but just sit there and watch people dance on the dancefloor. After a while I got bored of watch and was about to get up for a beet when I noticed Amberlique dancing . What the hell is she going here . I thought she was not into these kind of things .Oh well there is a first for everything so .Wow that girl is fine I would fuck that in a heart beat but is not that kind of girl so I would waste my time , I don't ask people to fuck they ask me .After a while I could not take it anymore . I pushed Maddy off me and shoved Layla and made my way to Amber. I wrapped my hands around her waist and started grinding on her ass . She seemed surprised but shrugged it off quickly . Oh hell no this girl must be drunk because she would never let anything like that happen . I  was so astonished when she started grinding on my cock . I could not take it on anymore . She was working wonders with fine ass on my dick .

"Oh Amber!"I moaned . Suddenly I felt she stop. 'Oh  come on babe don't be like that' muttered only loud enough for me to hear.

Amberlique closely turned a round to see me . She look quite shock with I smirked at. Amberlique just stood there staring at me then I started leaning in I wanted to stop but my body wouldn't let me. What surprise me the most was than Amberlique was leaning in too. My lips brushed hers . It felt so right . Amberlique then stood on my toes and kissed me . I kissed back and wrapped my hands around her waist bringing closer to be also deepening the kiss. I licked her lips asking for her to open her mouth she did . My hands left her waist going down to her ass squeezing it . She moaned making me smiled into the kiss. Wait!Am kissing Amber! I pulled away from the kiss left the party.

Amberlique's POV

I stood there kissing Justin enjoying every bit of it his soft , plump lips . He is such a good kisser and I don't even know how to kiss . This is my first kiss and am just going with the flow. Then all of a sudden he pulled away and run out the door. At that moment that feeling I had of no problems were gone and everything that just happened hit me hard .

Hey girl you and Justin!"Jenna screamed as she approached me pushing her phone in my face showing a short video of Justin and I making out. . I just pushed passed her and run out side to see Justin getting to his white Ferrari, speeding off . At that moment I got into my car and started following him. As I sat there following him I decided to call Nadine and told her if she could maybe have Jack bring her and Jenna home because I felt . She was fine with it which relieved me. Shortly after Justin stopped his car and got out. We were near some cliff ,quietly getting out of my car following him to where he sat down . I hid behind a nearby bush.

"God what was I thinking!"He groaned in frustration.

"Amber is not that kind of girl now she will want a relationship or something and well I just wanna fuck... She is such a nice girl I don't wanna hurt her or bring her into my life style. Hell I don't know if I even like her like that. He sighed.

At this moment I started walking up to him and then sat down right next to him.

"Justin it's okay really. I know that you don't like but can we just start over?" I asked him calmly he thought for a little then his whole  attitude changed.

"Who said I wanted to be friends with you bitch ." he replied back looking quite angry . Those words made me feel like being hit like a trane. Tears started forming then started falling down my cheeks. I got up and ran to my car and drove house.

I told you that he did not what you . Look at you u foolish little girl.

A voice in my head spoke. I shaker it off and continued to cry tears streaming down my cheeks . I got home opened the door and locked it back and run upstairs to my room. I washed the make up off my face and hopped into the shower for u short shower . Ten minutes later I was out . Pulled out a pair of panties and some sweats,got into bed and called into a very deep sleep.

Hello my lovely . Thanks for reading this chapter . If you liked it vote or comment feel free. Sorry about the errors :(  really am not even sixteenThanks for the reads !!! But don't be silent readers . More to come soon Bye guys. LOVE YOU ALL !!!

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