2. amelia

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If there were two things Amelia Johnson knew in this world, it would be 1; Brooklyn Quinn was a beautiful human being and 2; that got him everywhere and it made her mad. Everyone in school knew Brooklyn was good looking.

Some say beautiful.

Some say handsome.

Some say sexy.

But as a whole, the entire student body agreed that he was pretty. Despite how much she disliked him, even she had to admit he was attractive. Sometimes to the point that he was sickening to look at. Girls and guys alike compared themselves to him.

And it made Amelia even angrier.

Just because he was pretty didn't mean he could do what he wanted. Just because he was pretty didn't mean he deserved to be treated like a god. Just because he was pretty didn't mean he was better than anyone else at the school.

Amelia arrived on campus on the bus with the freshmen, sophomores, and some juniors. She thanked the bus driver as she got off the bus and immediately noticed the small group of girls watching the road.

Before she could even have the chance to be confused, there came Brooklyn Quinn in his shiny car. As more students drove into school and came off buses, more attention came to the school Pretty Boy.

Amelia rolled her eyes at them all, they guys were staring in awe at the car and the girls had heart eyes for Brooklyn. Amelia held on to get pride and turned on her heel and headed into the building.

The halls were relatively quiet as the students slowly poured in, of course, following Brooklyn. Amelia couldn't stop the scoff that came out her mouth when a girl went up to him only to tell him how pretty he was.

Pathetic. She thought. They're acting like Beyoncé just walked into the room. Now that's someone I'd fangirl over.

Ignoring the noises around her, Amelia went to her locker and put away her things. She grabbed what she needed for her first class and closed her locker and turned around.

After a few months of it, Amelia thought she'd be used to have "The Pretty Boy" owning a locker right across from hers. But no. She'll probably never get used to having him open his locker to find notes spill out. Each day he'd act flustered as if it was the first time.

Amelia turned back around and marched to her first class, which of course she shared with Brooklyn. Lucky me, she thought sarcastically.
Skip to around lunch and Amelia was ready to end her life with a spork.

Despite her constant begging to have an original conversation, the majority of her friends wanted to talk about Brooklyn.

Fortunately (and the only thing stopping her from stabbing herself) her two closest friends switched the topic from boys to school, which Amelia wasn't sure was too much better.

For a while all they talked about was school and the awful teachers. At one point the janitor came up with a rumor that they blasted Never Gonna Give You Up through the speakers after hours.

Amelia excused herself from the table, saying that she was going to get a drink from the vending machine. She got up and started heading towards the machine when she heard one of her friends make a request for her to bring something back. The second she turn her head back she collided with someone, while said person spilled their hot drink all over her.

She squeaked in surprise from the heat and came face to face with none other than the Pretty Boy himself. He seemed as shocked as she was and looked extremely flustered.

Brooklyn started stuttering out apologizes which all fell deaf to Amelia's ears. All she felt was anger and embarrassment, which together are never a good combination.

Her shocked expression morphed into one of anger and stepped closer to Brooklyn's face. "Can you watch where you're going?" She hissed. With each word her voice grew louder to the point where the whole cafeteria had gone silent to watch he exchange. "Oh my god can your pretty little head not comprehend such a simple task as walking with a drink in hand?"

Brooklyn's face was filled with fear and Amelia knew she should have stopped but all the agitation from her day was spilling out of her. "Have you ever thought of that maybe not everyone wants to encounter your presence!"

When she was finished, the cafeteria was still eerily silent to the point you could hear a pin drop. The two stood almost noises touching as Amelia seethed and Brooklyn stood there afraid.

Finally, Brooklyn lifted his hands and wiped his watering eyes. "I-I-I'm so sorry." And with that he ran out of the lunch room and slowly the sound returned to the room.

Amelia watched as the door shut behind the crying boy and felt guilt creep up through her spine. She hadn't meant those things, well, not all of them anyway. Amelia could feel the glares of a few students and dipped her head down as quickly returned to her seat.

"What the heck was that Amelia?" asked one of her friends.

She had no answer so she simply shrugged, "Bad day." And something told her it was going to get worse.

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