4. amelia

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Amelia was right when she thought her day was going to get harder. As she walked the halls she could feel the glares thrown her way. Part of her didn't mind, it's wasn't as if their opinions really mattered to her. The other part of her felt uncomfortable, no one likes being the center of negative attention.

By the way they're all acting, you would've thought I insulted their OTP or something, thought Amelia.

Either way, she didn't let them get to her and continued on her way to class with her head held high. Amelia had already decided that she wouldn't go looking for him, but if she happen to run into Brooklyn again, she'd apologize. She realized it wasn't cool to yell in front of everyone and embarrass him like that. (Though in her opinion he needed the knock down from his pedestal.)

As she walked into her class, she immediately took notice to the dark looks thrown her way. Amelia ignored them and the harsh whispers and took her seat with confidence. No one came up to her or said anything directly to her, but she'd expected that. She was in most of the advanced classes and most people there cared more about their studies than a pretty face. But that didn't mean they didn't care at all.

Right as class was beginning to start, the door opened and revealed a face that Amelia would've rather not seen again. Pretty Boy. Amelia simply rolled her eyes and tried to disregard him as he made his was over to the teacher.

His body was timid as he spoke softly to Mr. Cubs and lowered his head when said man stood up.

"Boys and girls, this is Brooklyn and he'll be joining our class for the rest of the year." He announced. Amelia bit her tongue to prevent herself from shouting out in anger.

But apparently, Mr.Cubs wasn't done. "Since we have begun already and have gone quite far, I'll need some one to help can catch him up with the rest of the class." He looked around the room. "Amelia? How about you?"

No!, she wanted to say. But the look she was receiving said that she had no choice in the matter. Begrudgingly she nodded her head in agreement. Mr. Cubs then asked the student next to her to switch seats so they could sit close together.

As Brooklyn made his way over to her, she took notice of how closed off he seemed. Amelia decided that it was because of what she said and that this was as good a time as any to apologize.

A small packet was then passed out the they were given until the end of class to finish it. Amelia got right to work ignoring everything around her. After a while, she looked up to see Brooklyn was doing rather well. It looked like he was a few problems behind her. She went back to her own worksheet and continued on until she felt a slight tap on her shoulder.

Amelia looked up, stared Brooklyn right in the eyes and with a deadpan voice muttered, "What do you want?"

He flinched and nibbled on his lip. Amelia reluctantly noted that it was a rather attractive act. "I-um. I wanted to ask if you understood that how to do number 23."

She glanced at his paper and then back at him. "Isolate the variable." She mumbled.

"Oh." He whispered and turned back to his own paper.

Amelia rolled her eyes and scooted closer to him, "Look, all you have to do is the the inverse operations and after that it's just simple order of operation until you get X." She explained. "Got it?"

He nodded. "Thank you." His voice was still barley above a whisper. Brooklyn turned to his paper again didn't say anything after that.

The pair stayed locked in their work-besides the occasional question from Brooklyn-until the end to class. The bell rang and Mr. Cubs announced that whatever wasn't finished was homework and allowed them to leave. Amelia turned in her packet with Brooklyn right behind her.

After packing up her stuff, she followed the class out and spotted Brooklyn in the middle of the wave. She passed him and quickly muttered, "I'm sorry about what I said earlier." And without looking back to see his reaction walked quickly to her next class.

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