9. brooklyn

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9. Brooklyn

The next day, Brooklyn went through the same morning routine. He got himself dressed and stared himself in the mirror once more. His lips twitched, Landon says I have a nice smile. His face heated up slightly at that thought, but wrote it down none the less. I've always gotten compliments on the way I dress, if that counts.

Brooklyn felt a small wave a pride wash over him, he's never put things down this easily before. He let a smile fully come over his lips and he laughed a little before writing; My teeth are straight.

Again he chuckled at his own small joke and finished getting ready before heading downstairs. Just like always, Kenneth was sitting down, scrolling away on his phone, waiting for him to come down stairs.

Hearing the sound of him coming downstairs, Kenneth's head popped up and he smiled. "So you're actually wearing colors now?" He teased.

"Shut up." Brooklyn blushed. Today he felt more confident then he had before. Instead of wearing monotone clothes like usual, he wore ripped white jeans and a light blue shirt with converse to match.

"But seriously, you look good." He lips morphed into a smirk, "I should just take all your dark clothes away."

Brooklyn looked up from his small bowl of cereal. "Don't you dare go anywhere near my closet."

Kenneth held his hands up in mock surrender and the two spent the rest of the time they had in silence. It wasn't until right before Brooklyn was getting ready to leave that Kenneth spoke up.

"Hey B," He started slowly. "After this weekend I won't be here as often anymore." He cringed when he watched his brother tense from behind. "Our break was only a week long and-"

"It's fine." Brooklyn cut off. He turned to face his older brother with a smile that was no where near real. "You have school. You can't be here all the time to baby me. I'll be fine, honest."

Kenneth didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth, "You sure?"

Brooklyn nodded and walked back to the door. "I gotta go pick up Landon now or he'll have a fit." He rolled his eyes fondly at the thought of his best friend getting upset over him being late. "We'll talk more after school, okay?"

Kenneth nodded and called out to his brother, "Love you!"

"Love you too!" Brooklyn called back before shutting the door behind him.

Breathing in the cool air, he slipped into his car and pulled out the the driveway  and headed right to his best friend's house.

They didn't live too far away from each other, it was a ten minute drive at most. Brooklyn always came to get Landon and he'd drive them to school. Brooklyn wasn't too fond of driving, he found it stressful and always felt anxious, like with one wrong move he could end someone's life. That was too much for him.

Landon could drive, and he had a car that he shared with his older sister. She was a senior and liked to go early, so Landon always ended up with Brooklyn, not that either one of them minded.

Brooklyn pulled up into his friend's driveway and texted him to come out of the house. Three minutes later, and Landon was in the driver's seat and the pair were off to school. Brooklyn could hear the faint sound of a certain song being played and he smirked slightly before cranking the sound up.

Hey hey! You you!
I don't like your girlfriend.
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one.
Hey hey! You you!

Immediately Landon shut off the radio and glared at his best friend who looked at him innocently.

"What?" Brooklyn asked.

Landon huffed and rolled his eyes. "I hate that song!"

"It's catchy! And it really isn't that bad!" He defended.

Landon made a face, "You know what else is catchy, the plague."

Brooklyn pouted and gave him the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. Landon's eye twitched and he forced himself to keep his eyes locked on the road. Brooklyn whimpered quietly, and he could see his best friend breaking.

"Fine!" He cried. "One day those aren't going to work on me anymore."

"Sure." Brooklyn laughed. The rest of the way consisted of Brooklyn singing his heart out and Landon watching him fondly.

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