13. brooklyn

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After the forty-five minute embarrassment also know as gym class ended, Brooklyn quickly showered and redressed into the outfit he originally wore. He waited patiently for Landon to finish before following him to their next class.

He kept his head low as he walked down the long halls of his high school. His next class wasn't too hard; Chemistry. He found it pretty easy, though his best friend would tear him a new one if he said that out loud. Landon was god awful at Chemistry and got extremely angry when someone said it was easy(which was usually funny unless it was you he was yelling at).

They walked up the stairs to the Science part of the school, darting through the group of teens who were running late to their next class. They walked through the door and sat at their usual table. Landon immediately began complaining about the class. Brooklyn tuned him out, only nodding his head and giving a half hearted "I know right!" every once in a while.

Soon enough their teacher stood and quieted them down.

"Today, we're changing our seating arrangements." He announced.

Automatically groans and complaints sounded through the class room. One of the loudest came from Landon, which Brooklyn completely understood. He wasn't didn't talk to a lot of the kids in his class! Heck, he barely spoke to the teacher himself!

Their teacher lifted his hand and the chatter slowly feel silent. "I understand that you are all currently sitting with the person of your choosing, but it has come to my attention that some of you are beginning to slack off so early in the year."

Brooklyn heard Landon huff next to him, "Fucking at me next time old man." Brooklyn elbowed him to keep quiet.

"Everyone stand and move to where I seat you when you hear your name." He then put on his glasses and began reading from the chart in his hands.

Five minutes later, and Brooklyn was on the complete other side of the room from Landon. The pair of friends gazed at each other from the other side of the room, wishing to be switched back. Brooklyn tore his eyes away when he heard someone clear their throat.

"Hey, I don't think we've met. My name's Jesus."

The boy in front of him was definitely someone Brooklyn felt like he should've known about. He was definitely Latino with his tanned skin and strong accent. His dark hair was thick and curly and styled in a messy way that looked like he just rolled out of bed.

Brooklyn's eyes widened slightly before clearing his throat. "I-I'm Brooklyn." His voice was soft and timid, just as it was when he spoke to anyone he didn't know.

Jesus laughed, "Yeah, I know. You're the 'Pretty Boy' I've heard so much about." He leaned a bit closer to Brooklyn, "And you certainly are beautiful." He finished with a sly wink, and before Brooklyn could even think of the blush on his face, their teacher began their lesson on classifying the elements of the periodic table.


Class was a lot less fun without his best friend with him, but it wasn't a complete wreck.

Brooklyn found out that Jesus was actually a new student from out of the country and had a little sister and older brother in the school as well. He was also very flirty. Between jokes and chatter about their worksheet, he had slipped in compliments that made Brooklyn's heart jump to his throat.

What made it worse was when he took a sharpie out his pencil pouch and wrote his number on Brooklyn's arm, telling him to text him later.

As he walked away, Brooklyn could only stare in shock and embarrassment. Sure, people had flirted a bit with him, but nothing really serious. And one look from Landon sent them running for the hills. Not once had he had someone write their number on his arm like that, and it kind of made him feel good. Really good.

He was snapped our of his daydream when Landon grabbed his arm and yanked him from the classroom.

"Hey-ow! Landon stop that hurts!" He cried out as Landon marched on.

Landon stopped and dropped his arm like he had been burned. His face looked apologetic before it morphed into a more
serious look. "Who was that?" He demanded.

At first Brooklyn was confused and tilted his head, "You mean Jesus? He's new."

"I don't trust him." Landon blurted.

Brooklyn frowned, "Neither do I, we just met. But that's the point of making friends right? Talking to a person enough so that you can put your trust into them."

"He flirted with you on the first day of knowing you! If that doesn't scream fuck boy then I don't known what does."

Brooklyn blushed at the memory of Jesus' words, "He was just being nice Landon, chill." He looked at his phone, "Let's go, it's time for lunch anyway."

He pushed Landon into the direction of the lunch room. Landon, however wasn't finished. "I'm watching him."

Brooklyn rolled his eyes, "Thank God!" He cried in an over dramatic voice. "You'd better watch his siblings too, I heard they were drug dealers and Mafia bosses!"

Landon huffed and pushed Brooklyn softly. "Shut up."

His friend just laughed as he entered the cafeteria. He was excited about getting to known Jesus. It was amazing, the thought if having another friend. He loved Landon, really, but he couldn't be his only friend forever. What if he started dating someone? Then what would Brooklyn do? Besides, what harm could come from having one new friend?



so yeah, updates happening! this one's kind of short sorry!!

but there's a new character (Jesus like the Fosters [hey-zues]) who seems very interested in our dear Brooklyn. wonder what will come of this *sips tea*

who do you all ship with who?

amelia redemption arc?

jesus flirting with brooklyn, good or bad?

is landon protective or jealous?

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