Book 1: Chapters 1 & 2

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As Ratchet held the only precious thing left to him, he felt as if he failed miserably. That precious thing was his sparkling, LunarStar. Ratchet's sparkmate had been off lined a couple hours ago, now he was faced with a decision between letting his sparkling grow up around the war and risk the possibility that she might die, or send her into the cosmos.

Ratchet was deep in thought until a feather like touch on his face brought him back to reality. When he looked down his sparkling was looking at him as if to say 'Where is my other parental unit?' Ratchet sighed and took his sparkling into their chambers where he put her to rest.

::Ratchet may I come and see the sparkling?:: asked Ratchet's good friend Optimus Prime.

::Yes Optimus you may.:: Ratchet sighed and went to let his friend in.

"How is she Ratchet?" Optimus asked.

"Hard to say Optimus. One thing that I do know is that she misses Star." Ratchet said.

"She's not the only one my friend. I know something has been bothering you beside the fact that your sparkmate died, what is it?" Optimus asked.

Ratchet sighed, "A decision Optimus. I'm trying to figure out if to keep my sparkling here or to send her away." Ratchet stated.

"Perhaps it is best to send her away with the others." Optimus said.

So it was decided that LunarStar was to be sent away in hopes of surviving the war. Ratchet put her in her pod that would allow her to change her appearance to what ever species is dominant. As a final goodbye and in hopes of finding her after the war Ratchet gave her a Autobot insignia shape with his name and Stars name on it.

And so our story begins with LunarStar also known as Luna. Who was adopted by the Witwickys Ron, Judy, and their son Sam became her new family.

**********Chapter 2 16 years later*******

Jesus I hate this class. Hate is a strong word though. Good, at least that shows how much I hate the class. It's also the last class for the day then tomorrow is the last day of school, yes! Now Sam, my brother, is up to present for his geonology report. I had already presented and got an A. Sam was now trying to sell our great great grandfathers stuff, during and after the presentation. I walked up to Sam and patted him on the back and walked out the class to dads car. If Sam gets his final A we both get our own cars. If he doesn't, poof, goodbye car and life. As I reached dad's car I got into the back and recalled the day both of us made a deal with dad to get our own cars. I got the A's but getting the money was a pain. I had one thousand saved up and decided to get five thousand more so I have 6 grand with me.

Dad looked at me after a while. "I take it that you got the A's and the one thousand dollars?" he asked.

"Yes, I got the A's and six grand, don't ask why. Now it's up to Sam to get his final 'A'." I threw my hands up and dad laughed at me. I looked over and saw Sam running to us. he looked like a child on Christmas morning.

"So..." I started yet was cut off.

"I got an 'A'" Sam said while getting in the car, his graded paper in hand.

"Congrats bro," I said happily giving Sam a kiss on the cheek.

Dad reached out for the paper. "Let me see that. Your waving it to much."

"It's an 'A-' but still an 'A'." Sam stated.

Both of us held our breath as dad looked over it. He sighed and gave us both a smile, "Okay, okay. It's an 'A'."

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