Fight for the Allspark

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Jazz POV

When we left the human base and while driving off to meet the others I comed the rest of the team.

::Jazz to the Autobots. Does anybody copy?::

::Optimus to Jazz we copy. Are you and Bumblebee with the children?::

::Yes Sam, Mikaela, and LunarStar are with us.::

::Good to hear that. How did you escape the human base?::

::LunarStar and the boy seemed to have found the Allspark and made the humans realize that they need our help. Megatron was in the facility and the humans were told what was happe-:: I cut off because I felt another spark beating in me. I turned on the radio and looked at LunarStar to see that she was holding a sparkling. That can't be right LunarStar, Primes sparklings, and Bumblebee were the last sparklings born on Cybertron that survived.

::Jazz is something wrong?:: Optimus asked.

::LunarStar has a sparkling with her.:: I told everyone.

::How is that even possible?:: Optimus asked.

::Do you think that the humans were experimenting with the Cube?:: Bee asked.

::Ratchet to Jazz find out how she got the sparkling, and put it on speaker::

I jerked forward a bit to catch her attention, "LunarStar where did you get a sparkling?" I asked her.

She looked down a bit confused then back up, "Sparkling? Isn't that the word for baby?" she asked.

"Yes where did you get him?" She was still looking at me when the little one started to squirm around in her hand. When she looked back down at it, he stopped and cuddled up to her and fell into recharge.

::The sparkling seems to think that LunarStar was it's carrier.::

::What!?:: Ratchet yelled.

::Ratchet shut up! It just fell into recharge when she paid attention to it.:: I told them all.

::Is it possible that she could've formed a bond with it. From what you said Jazz she seems to not mind at all.:: Bee said.

::Can we find out how she got the sparkling?:: Ironhide said impatiently.

LunarStar seemed to have her answer so I put the com on speaker again, "Simmons was experimenting with the Cube, turned a phone into this little guy, something told me to get him out of there and I did before Simmons killed it. I replaced him with my phone and I have named him ShadowLight." she said and before she could hear what the others started to say I turned the speaker off.

::Why would they kill a sparkling.:: Bee asked.

::Prime should we really help them?:: Ironhide said.

::Like I said before, they are a young species and have a lot to learn about.:: Prime said.

::Put us back on Jazz.:: Ratchet said.

"LunarStar keep the youngling safe. From what Jazz was saying it thinks your his parent." Ratchet told her and LunarStar's optics got a little wide.

"Oh so much for my youth." LunarStar said sarcastically and Ratchet grumbled something but it was barley heard due to the chuckles. After that was all said we kept on our way to Mission City.

Luna's POV

While driving down the highway Optimus and the rest of them finally came into veiw. They turned around and started following us from behind. Jazz accelerated Ironhide and Ratchet moved over to block Barricade when he came into view. I looked at the rear view mirror and saw a mine sweeper tank turn into a bot and slice through the bus in his way. I flinched I felt sorry for the driver he was in there and it burst up on flames. Optimus came out of nowhere, he transformed and tackled the decepticon. When he tackled him he and the decepticon fell over the edge of the highway in a tight tussle. I looked at the radio, "Jazz will Optimus be okay?"

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