The Heart Of The Truest Believer (OUAT fan-fic)

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First of all, let me say something: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Once Upon a Time, as you might have guessed from my profile picture and... I don't know, maybe... my background?

Yes. I am one of the biggest OUAT fans out there. How do I know this? I feel everyone's emotions. ;) I'm not even kidding. A WARNING. (Please do not read ahead if you haven't seen OUAT season 3.)

I cried when Henry heard the flute. (Spoiler Alert.) I was shaking so badly and biting my lip so hard when Henry stood on the verge of giving his great Grandfather his heart. I cried at the end of season 1 and 2.

And the funny thing? I NEVER cry in movies. I mean NEVER. So yes, I definitely DO love OUAT. Now that we've cleared that up, let's clear up another thing:

Though I LOVE OUAT and all the characters, there is one I've yet to love. Peter Pan. I know there's dozens of people going on about how attractive he is, while I sit there simmering in my own pool of hatred and anger.

Yes, let's say that again: THIS IS NOT A FAN FIC ABOUT HIM! I am most DEFINITELY NOT fan girling. I still think it's creepy the fact that he wants someone's heart. (Ew) even though the hearts they pull out of their chests on OUAT are colourful and glittery. (double ew). So let's jump right in, by me telling you this one other last important detail: If you're like me, you've already started reading the story. I don't blame you. ;)

1 more thing: I own the rights to a few of the characters in this story. The names and places I do not. And Peter Pan isn't mine either, let's be clear on THAT.

Enjoy the story, my wonderful readers! Don't forget to VOTE! It's a tiny button but it means a lot. And what means a lot more than that? A comment. Drop in and tell me what you're thinking. I'll reply to every one. I love them. :) And I love you too!

The Heart Of The Truest Believer (OUAT fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now