19 ~ I save Henry.

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No one begged for it. ;) But here it is. In other words, you don't deserve it but I'm just so nice... This is the last chapter of book 1 of the Neverland Trilogy. Well... my Neverland trilogy anyway. :P Picture on the side was just because I felt awesome. ;) I mean come on it was pretty sweet in the last one to see Peter Pan.. I MEAN HENRY - I mean the ACTOR that plays Peter Pan.. well... ARG I give up. It was cute to see him show some emotion even though it technically wasn't him playing it. So how do you think Pan is going down? And I've already answered this, but the reason Pan excites me is the fact that he's the best villain we've had on the show. Think about it - every other villain has had a soft spot - a weakness. Pan's may have been that he was about to die when the sand ran out - but apart from that he has none. (Maybe Rumple... but after all he did trap him in pandora's Box. No Mr. Nice guy there. Without further ado, HERE is chapter 19. And the last chapter in book 1. Enjoy! :)

"Wendy Darling? The Wendy Darling?" I gasp as she crawls into the light. Her blond hair is falling over her shoulders as she smiles at me.

"Yes. Pleased to meet you. Who are you?"

"Ruby. Ruby Parker. It's great to meet you too. Would you like to help me?"

"Help you what?" She asks curiously.

"Get out of here. I mean it can't be that hard, they're wood." I rattle the side of the cage.

"It's enchanted. You can't cut through it." Wendy sighs. "I've already tried."

I laugh impatiently. "Heck, Wendy. I have the heart of the truest believer. I can make anything happen. Grab my hand."

She obeys, and I concentrate, seeing the home tree. Wanting it so badly I can taste it. For once, something else is on my side - anger. Anger at Peter Pan. This feeling seems to be stronger than all the others.

Then a flash later and we're out. I look around, feeling free for once.

"My gosh!" Wendy hugs me. "You did it!"

"I guess I did." I dust myself off. "So, you want to go home? I need to save my new little friend."

"I can't go home. Don't you know? No one leaves the island without Pan's permission."

"Well he's going to dam well give  you permission when I'm through with him." I grab some pixie dust, emptying out a flower. "But first of all I need to talk to someone who knows about hearts. Let's go to skull rock. I have a feeling Henry's family might be there." 

"I'm going to wait here, if that's OK." Wendy looks slightly scared.

"Alright." I soften. She is just a girl after all. "I'll come back for you."


I fly with a purpose, determination making my skin all tingly. There is no way Peter Pan is killing Henry. Not while I'm around. He may think he's won his game, but he hasn't. Not yet.

The pixie dust settles me softly to the ground, just outside the cave. I run inside to find a group of people gathered around. I recognise none of them, save Bae, who smiles in recognition.

"Ruby, you're still here? Gold - Rumpletislkin has gone to save Henry."

"I have to go too." I say breathlessly. "Which one of you is Regina?"

"I'm here, dear. What in the world do you need me for?" A woman with short black hair looks at me. I can't decipher her look; whether it's one of derision or curiosity.

"I hear you're practiced in the art of taking hearts." I say.

There's a collective laugh from the group. Regina glares at them. "I... may be. And why is that?"

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