6 ~ Where am I?

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As soon as the fairy touches me, the world starts to ark out of view. It's not something I can easily explain, let alone write. It's like the world is spinning around me, faster than I can keep up with. I get more dizzy as we keep going. Just when I think I'm going to pass out, we stop suddenly.

The ground won't stop turning as we're thrown towards the earth. Tinkerbell lands in a graceful leap, while I crash to the ground, rolling over twice before climbing to my feet. Big mistake.

The diziness overtakes me. I reach the tree and throw up, head reeling. I've had no food for the past day, so most of it is dry wretching. But it makes me feel better. When the world at last stops spinning, I turn around to find nobody behind me.

"Hello?" I ask cautiously. "Tinkerbell? Tink?"

I cautiously take a step. The forest is so quiet.

"Don't move." The voice behind me makes me jump, but I don't turn around. Something pokes my back. "Turn around. Slowly."

I inch my way 360 degrees, and come face to a man with blond hair and a blond beard. He has an arrow notched in his bow. "Who are you? Where did you come from?" He asks cautiously.

"I... I don't know... I was bought here by a fairy. She... disappeared." I say unhelpfully. "My name is Ruby. Ruby Parker." 

He doesn't lower his bow. "A fairy, you say? What was her name?"

I hesitate a second. "Uh... Tinkerbell."

"Hmm." He lowers it slightly, giving me a look at his brown eyes. "I'm Robin. Robin Hood. You must forgive me, we don't have a lot of strangers around these parts, now that everyone seems to have disappeared. The Queen is crafty - she likes to play the part of innocent travelers to trick us."

"I'm no queen." I say hurriedly. "I honestly don't even know how I got here. I don't even know why I'm here. And speaking of here, where exactly am I?"

"The enchanted forest." Robin hood gives me a smile. "You can come and have supper with my merry men if you like. You look half starved."

"Ravenous." I agree. I follow him back to his little camp. His merry men get to their feet, drawing their strange assortment of swords and daggers as they see me.

"Rest easy, lads." Robin Hood thrusts his arm around my shoulders. "This is Ruby. Ruby, meet my men."

"Evening." I say, a little embarassed to have so many people's attention.

They settle down and go back to stirring their pot over the fire.

'Why would Tink send me here?' I wonder to myself, self-absorbed. What sort of quest is it to send me to some other place with no explanation? I puzzle over it as the stew is handed out.


"Did you find them?" Peter Pan stands up as Tinkerbell flies into view.

She puts her head in her hands and rocks it side to side.

"Well?" He demands impatiently. "Where are they?"

"I.. might... not have been able to get them." Tink says carefully. She descends slowly, growing to real size in seconds.

"What?!" Pan asks. "And why not? Were they afraid to fly?"

"They didn't want to come. You were wrong. There is no one out there that has the heart of the truest believer. No one apart from Henry."

"I'm never wrong." Pan snarls. He snaps a twig in two. "You're positive you couldn't find them? What about the pixie dust?"

"It failed." Tinkerbell says. "There is no other. You will have to do with Henry."

"Pan!" Felix hurries over, breathless. "They have him."

"Henry?" Pan asks, suddenly interested.

"Yes." Felix nods, still out of breath. "He's here, on the island!"

"Good work." Peter glares at Tinkerbell's retreating wings. "At least somebody knows how to do their job right."

A/N: Soo... if Peter Pan were to play video games, I do think GTA might be definitely one he would play. Ohh - oxymoron - might be definitely.

Woops. Sorry about the oxymoron. It stuck in. Moron of an oxy. ;)

I am crazy as you can see. I had too much cheese tonight.

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