15 ~ Nevermind... What's happening to Henry?

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Bae and I walk through the forest. I don't know where we're going, but I hope it's far away from here. Bae says he's going to some caves, but he can't tell me where because Pan has ears everywhere. I tell him a little about what's happened and he tells me that the woman named Regina is in fact here.

"Why isn't Henry waking up?" I ask. I look over at the poor kid. He's still showing no signs of waking up. 

"Magic. The stuff my father used was strong. He'll wake up soon." He says. Then, he stops suddenly. "Hear that?" he asks tensely.

We both listen carefully, but before either of us can react there's a louder sound, and we're surrounded by the lost boys...


Peter Pan materializes, of course, right in front of us, green eyes glinting dangerously. "Think you could get away on my island?" He asks with a laugh.

Bae snarls, putting Henry down gently. "Let my son go."

"You know who the powerful one his here." Pan laughs. We so should have used more squid ink. I look to Bae but he doesn't seem to have any lying around.

"I escaped the island without your permission - I defied your Neverland laws." Bae objects.

"And, curiously, here you are again." Pan says, giving him a wide smile. "Just like you never left."

Bae's face has a slightly sickened look to it. Without thinking, my hands grab a stick from the ground and imagine it into a sword, advancing on Pan. I'm shocked as I realise what I'm doing. I'm facing him, pointing my sword at his heart. And there's no way a normal me would do that.

He looks down at me, then starts laughing.

"Ruby, no! He's not your responsibility." Bae grabs my arm and tries to pull me back. "Run." He hisses to me.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you." Pan says. But I have no intention of running. Bae steps in front of me.

"You've got Henry - and now me. Let the girl go. You have what you want."

"Oh, but I don't." Pan gives a whistle and Bae's pulled back by a lost boy. I watch him being dragged away with a sinking feeling. My sword arm wavers in the air, but I don't lower it. Hey, came this far, let's get beaten classily. 

"Take them back to camp." Pan says as he makes his own sword appear. "I have some business to take care of."


Darn this stupid reflex thing! I don't even know how to use a sword - let alone against the most powerful man on the island. I try to drop it but it sticks to my hand. I mean literally sticks to my hand. Like spiderman's web sticking to something. "Uh..." I mutter vaguely. I'm not ready to fight.

"Trust your instincts." He whispers and darts forwards. I jump backwards, though the sword pulls me forwards. I mean... literally pulls me forwards. There's absolutely nothing I can do. The sword seems to have a mind of its own in my hands. When Pan strikes, I effortlessly dodge, and the sword jumps up, pulling my arm with it, without me even moving my hand to strike back. We do this for a while. I could just close my eyes and probably still be fighting. I wonder what Henry would say if he saw me now. Just as I'm getting used to this regular rythm, Pan strikes harder - faster than before, catching me unawares. Or I might say, catching the sword unawares. 

The sword grazes my arm, leaving a nasty jagged cut in place. I scarcely look at it, even though the initial pain would usually have me wincing. There's no way I'm going to show Pan what he wants to see. I grit my teeth, forcing the sword back with me as I jump back from the fight, breathing heavily.

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