Me and mom shop and see one of the eras wearing a disguise

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Nina pov

Me and my mom had to shop for a new belt for me since I out grew my old one and as we walked to the belt section I thought i saw an era of Michael looking at jewelry side as he spotted me and waved.

"Nina do you like this- Nina!" My mom yells from my stare away from him
"Hm? Yeah I like this one." I said as we went to the cash register as the era Michael came up to me
"Hey Nina." It was Invincible
"Hi, where's Jackson?" I ask him
"He's helping me and this is it find some clothes to wear." He said
"Okay, well nice chatting with you. Bye." I said as I waved at him and left the store

"Why weren't you listening to me when I asked you about this belt?"

The Present Time With Michael Jackson Eras In 2016- 2017Where stories live. Discover now