Sleep over!

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Off the wall pov

Me and Charlie are going over to Jada's place for a...(Drum roll Please) a....SLEEP OVER! I was packed since Charlie gave me some clothes when we were shopping and I got a guitar to play music and I know Nina loves music. After we walked up to Jada's place we saw her open the door as we peaked to see the others laughing and chatting.

"Hey guys." Jada said
"Hey." We replied
"See you two are prepared. C'mon were going to watch men in Black 2." She said

"You know your in the movie right?"Nina asked
"I am?" I ask her
"Yep. This was...invincible era time in 2002." She said as we began to watch as me and the Michael's saw ourselves being cut off by our leader up their in Antarctica

"See told you." She said
"Now that movie is funny." I said as we continued watching but...we fell asleep

The Present Time With Michael Jackson Eras In 2016- 2017Where stories live. Discover now