Riding in a car secretly

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Thriller pov

"Okay so when we go to Virginia, you too have to be hidden inside." Jada said
"But what if my mom opens the trunk and sees them?" Nina asked as I shivered in worried
"Not a problem. We'll tell her we'll put the stuff in from what we brought. Unless the three of them wear a disguise." She suggested

"I like that idea. Let's give it a try." Dangerous said

5 minutes later

"I hate this!" I said on the Bluetooth
"Well get use to it, you did when you were in your 90's and 20th's." Nina replied
"Fine. At least we got one more stop and then its home time. Let's get it!" I said hanging up

Don't ask us...we're being squished in the trunk with bags everywhere and we have to stay quiet. Last time Bad went with Vashuan to Raleigh and it wasn't pretty from the way Bad got his tail beaten up.

The Present Time With Michael Jackson Eras In 2016- 2017Where stories live. Discover now