Detention really Vashuan?

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Charlie pov

Me and the others were coming back to school cause we have a basketball game tonight and we even invited the Michael's.

"So you guys are vs the south Carolina team?" History asked
"Yeah, but we only need Vashuan." I said as I looked around for him
"Then...where is he?" Dangerous asked
"Let's check inside the school."Nina said


Nina, J5, This is it
Kyree, History, Delexus
Ja'Quan, Blood on the Dance Floor, Off the Wall
Charlie, Jackson, invincible, and Jada

Nina's group pov

"Okay so we know he's not in the cafeteria or in band." I said
"Then how do you know what places he's been in?" This is it asked
"Not sure." I replied as they kept looking

Kyrees group pov

"So in my case sense he's not at the game...where does he usually hang out at?" Delexus asked
"For my advice, I would just forget it and let him do his own thing." I said as I sat down
"Kyree that's not solving anything!" History shouted

Ja'Quan pov

Okay I'm just standing a football field. I know don't ask why. They other two are just in the boys locker room looking for him for me.

Charlie pov

We looked outside where the buses were but....wait. I thought I saw him being tardy in class!? That's it I know where he is. I ran back followed by the others, as we ran to the Iss room to see him and Bad doing nothing but reading. Shocking!

"Are you kidding me?" I yell catching their attention on me
"What?" They asked
"And your question is?" Bad asked while reading
"Detention really Vashuan?" I asked
"Well not my fault that my locker kept on locking when I tried to unlock it." He said

Great...we're losing him and Bad in the game. Guess we'll use Jayden then.

The Present Time With Michael Jackson Eras In 2016- 2017Where stories live. Discover now