Dangerous doesn't like Hershey

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Nina pov

Today I'm hanging out with Dangerous and History since Thriller went to visit Vashuan.

"So Hershey is a girl?" History asked
"Yeah but I got to warn you two, she's happy when she's wild even when she jumps on you and run." I warn
"Nina I'm sure she's adorable." Dangerous said

That's what he thinks.

20 seconds later

"AHH! MAKE HER STOP JUMPING!"  Dangerous screams
"Dangerous she's just playing." History said
"I told you she's wild but she loves giving hugs to people." I said then he ran behind us

"Please! Put her back!" He screams in high pitch
"Okay! Hold on a minute." I said

Time skip.....Hershey 's finally in her pin.

"Thank God! She's never to come out again." He said in relief
"Not until we take her for a walk later on." I said smirking
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He yells that made an echo as we laughed so hard

" I said smirking"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He yells that made an echo as we laughed so hard

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