School dance and being spied by the Michael's

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Nina pov

Why a school dance? I can't believe jada made me wear this but I whined so much that she said she'll blurt out the whole world about the Michael's, so I've decided to go...even though I didn't want to. Oh my God and I promised Dangerous that we were going to spend time together but I broke it.

"I'm sorry dangerous if jada didn't say that I would've lost all of you and all of us would go to court." I said beginning to cry cause I hate to make mistakes
"It's fine, really. You go and have fun and NO TWERKING!" He said
"I don't even do that kind of nasty thing." I replied
"Okay, bye!" He said as I waved and exited

Dangerous pov

Yes! Since our friends are going to a dance at their school we decide to go check and be sure they are safe.

"Red are you there?" I asked on the walkie talkie
"STOP CALLING ME THAT! yes over." Bad said
"She is out of the house. I repeat, she is out of the house." I said
"Okay we're out back so get in! Over." He said as I got out,locked the door and got inside the van

"So what's the plan chief?" Thriller asked This is it
"We're going to Murfreesboro to find the others, check for any perverts, and picked them up and act like it never happened." He said
"Okay. What are we waiting for? Drive!" Bad said as This is it began to drive

At the dance

We got out of the van as we were glad it was dark for no one to see us.
"So where did they put this dance at?" Invincible asked
"Probably in the gym." I suggested and I was right to bad they're weren't any Windows
"Guess we have to sneak up the stairs." History said as I whine. I hate stairs.

13 seconds later

" why so many stairs?" I whine through pain cause last week Shaun and Kyree kept walking up the steps and...well I kinda got tired from going up every time.

"Look! There they are!" Thriller shouted making two girls look up as we went back quickly and Bad smack Thriller in the back in the head
"You idiot?! Do you want us to get caught?" Bad asked in an attitude as Thriller shook his head
"I'm beginning to know why Nina meant about you now." Thriller mumbles as he glares at Bad
"What time is the dance ending?" Off the Wall asked
"In about...55 minutes." This is it replied looking at his watch
"Oh God!" J5 said

55 minutes later

"Goodnight everybody!" A man said as we saw everyone leaving
"Quick, back to the van!" Bad whispers as we rushed inside
"Hopefully their not walking down the road." I said as saw them Laughing and chatting

"Hey guys." Blood on the dance floor said
"Hey we had a great time and Jada started to miss dangerous." Nina said
"Awe, I miss you too." I replied as we hugged

"So Nina did any boy touch what's mine and not theirs?"He asked in anger tone
"Stop being grumpy, be Happy! I want to see my boy smile!" She said holding his cheeks as he smiled big Wow!
"Like this?" He asked pecking her lips
"Yes, I don't like mad people. No offense Bad." She said as they peck
"None taking." He said biting his lip
"Can we please go home?!" Ja'Quan whines
"Yes!" I replied

On the way home some of us fell asleep while Bad drove with Jackson in the front giving him the directions. This is the best night...ever.


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