Sneeking in the night time

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Nina pov
"Nina a 're you sure we have to do this?" Thriller asked
"Yes." I replied

Me and my friends were talking about switching  th  Michael eras to stay with us. But unfortunately...thriller doesn't seemed to be interested in this plan.

"But do I have to go with one of the others." He said as I ignore his questions he kept asking 
"Thriller...let's go."I replied taking  his hand as we snuck out the front door but I'm lucky enough to cover the alarm as we went to Jada's house

Jada's house

"Okay we're going to let the Michael's decide on what person they want to choose from. Go." Jackson said as the Michael's were to scare to even decide
"Hey don't rush okay let have time to think about it." I said as we left the room to give them privacy

20 minutes later

We were watching the movie 'Freedom Writers', and as we were watching it I saw History came in.

"Are you okay History?" I asked him
"Yeah, we were talking and um....I made my first decision on who I want to stay with'" he said biting his lip
"Okay, so who is it?" Charlie asked
"It's...Jackson." He said
"Okay." Jackson replied as Histoy Sat beside him
"We've decided also." The other Michael's said peeking out the door
"Okay who did you pick?" We asked

Off the wall-Delexus
This is it and invincible-Me

"So it's settle than." Vashuan said
"Yeah, now let's all go home. Except for Jada and J5 though." I said as we left

The Present Time With Michael Jackson Eras In 2016- 2017Where stories live. Discover now