ACT I: Final breath...

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                     (Your POV)
"Honey! Come on!" My mother yelled from down stairs, I was breathing heavily trying to get my shoes on.
  I finally got them on not even bothering to tie them, I quickly grabbed my hoodie and raced down the stairs jumping the last ones almost slipping when I landed.
  I raced out the door slamming it behind me.
  My mother was hurrying to the car, her hair was just in a bun and she had on a sweat jacket with blue jeans.
   She hopped in the drivers seat and started up the car engine.
  I swinged open the car door and sat in the passenger seat quickly buckling in and closing the car door.
   My mother pulled out of the drive way burning rubber and raced down the street.
  My heart was beating a million miles an hour, and I tried to hold back tears.
  My best friend Chris was in the hospital...cancer and the worse kind, we all knew he had cancer since he was 11 and we knew this day would come sooner or later....but like everyone else...I hoped it would come much later.
  I slightly jumped from the sound of my phone buzzing off in my back pocket.
   I pulled it out to see my friend Alex calling,  he had medium dark brown hair and the coolest hazel eyes ever. I swiped the green button and put the phone up to my ear.
  "Hello?" I choked slightly.
"(Y/n)! Hey you okay? My dad and I are on our way to the hospital now."
"Yea my mom and I on our way too." I sniffed.
" dad is already at the hospital with Chris, I'm really sorry about all this (y/n) ." Alex apologized, he sounded like he was fighting back tears too.
"Don't be..we all saw this coming.." I felt my nose sting trying to hold back from bawling.
  "I know ..its guys been friends forever...." He sighed really trying to hold back the emotions.
  "Yea...I know...don't worry Alex as long as we're there for him when he goes everything is going to be okay..." I tried to make him and myself well better but I was just getting more and more worked up.
"okay..your right.....I gotta go my mom is on the other line.." He sniffed,
  "Alright Alex.." I sighed, I took the phone from my ear and looked down at the screen.
Call ended
I pressed the power button shutting my phone off and putting it in my hoodie pocket.
  I sniffed again and looked out the window, trees and people pass.
  Suddenly I felt a gentle touch on my leg.
I turned to see my mom look from the road and then back at me.
  "Everything is going to be okay (Y/n)...don't worry.." She smiled uneasily at me, all I could do was nod and look back at the window.


When my mom pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. She drove around and pulled up to the entrance.
  "Go ahead honey" she nodded, I nodded back and jumped out.
  I jogged to the front desk to see a blonde lady typing only to look up at me.
  "Chris Kullen..." I said firmly.
The lady nodded , "floor 7 room 206"
  "Thank you"'I whispered before racing to the elevator and pressing the up button.
   The elevator doors opened immediately letting me in.
I stepped inside and pressed 7.
  The doors hesitated but closed and lifted me up to 7th floor with a ding.
  The doors opened to reveal the another desk of nurses.
  I rushed over to them."206?" I asked one of the nurses.
  "Right down the hall on your right."she smiled pointy to my left.
"Thank you" I muttered before running down the hall dodging nurses, doctors and people in wheel chairs.
204...205......206 here we go..
I stood at the entrance of 206 the door was open,
  A boy with dirty blonde hair and freckles laid in the bed his eyes are closed. Two parents sat at on the sides of the bed.
  His mother holding his right hand.
  There were flowers and cards of get well soon, but there was no getting well it was do you get better form cancer?
  I felt my eyes get heavy with water and my hands cover my mouth.
  Chris' mother looked up at me with tears before getting up and hugging me.
Chris looked a lot more like his mother,.. But he had his fathers eyes defiantly.
Chris' mother gently guided me to the bed so I could get a better look at Chris.
He was very pale and thin, I sniffed feeling a tear deep down my face.
"Chris ...can you hear me?" I choked swallowing a lump in my throat.
"(Y-Y/n?) is that you?" Chris raspy voice squeaked, he tried to open his eyes a little to see me. His breaths were shaky and he wheezed through his nose.
"Yea it's me Chris..the one and only." I smiled uneasily.
Chris chuckled a little before coughing, suddenly Alex and his parents along with my mom and dad walked in.
Chris' dad greeted everyone along with my dad.
Alex rushed over next to me and looked at Chris.
"Hey dude." He smiled uneasily, Alex eyes were pinkish telling me he had cried a little already.
"Hey Alex" Chris coughed wanting to seat up but he was so weak. He really hurt me to see him like this...
Chris smiled a little and was hugged by Alex and I parents.

After a while Alex and I got the idea to try to make Chris laugh. Which we did before he felt sleepy.
As Chris fell asleep we all divided we get some rest.
I fell asleep in the chair closer to Chris.

Suddenly I was awoken to darkness and the sound of my name.
"(Y-y/n)" Chris whispered, I seeped from my chair next to him to see his face.
"Yes?" I yawned a little.
"I need you to promise me something..." He wheezed tilting his head slightly to look at me.
"Anything Chris.."
"L-look in there.." His little thin finger pointed to his green backpack that his mother must have brought.
I grabbed Chris green backpack and unzipped it pulling out the only thing in it.
It was CD envelope..
"I-I need you to destroy it..b-before it gets out...please (Y/n) I don't want my family to get hurt..." His bright emerald eyes staring into mine.
"Okay Chris..." I nodded unsure of what he meant...
I took Chris' hand he smiled faintly at me before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath..but never exhaled...
Suddenly the was a large beeeeeeep
And all of a sudden all my emotions just poured out and fear anger and depression.
"Chris? Chris! NO CHRIS NO PLEASE NO!" I yelled shaking him gently.
Everyone immediately woke up and nurses rushed in turning on the lights making it as bright as day.
I was in so much denial and everything was a blur..the Cd in my hand....
Destroy it...before it gets out.....
My mother was hugging me which caused me to bawl finally and grit my teeth hard burring my head in her chest.

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