ACT II: Regrets

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I sat on my bed, it's been three months from Chris' death everyone is still pretty messed up by it even though his funeral was about two months ago.
I hadn't really talked to anyone either except for Alex because he knows what it feels like the most.
My mom and dad checked on me a few times and often dropped off food...
But I usually only ate a fork full before giving quits ....
Suddenly I head a thud come from my closet which made me jump, but I hopped out of bed and looked into my closet to see Chris' green back pack on the floor,the CD envelope was sticking out.
I sighed slightly picking up the CD envelope and taking out the CD to reveal that it was blank besides the words:

"Sonic. Exe"

Written on it in black marker,
I happened to like Sonic games a lot, Chris and I played Sonic all the time when we were kids.
Why destroy it?

I shrugged and pulled out my laptop from the top shelf.
With the CD in my hand I opened up the CD player of the laptop and put the CD in.
The CD was accepted and my Computer instantly downloaded the content, when the content finished downloading an Alert popped up.

Sonic. Exe file has been downloaded would you like to open it?

Yes. No.

I clicked yes and the Alert minimized and opened the Sonic.Exe file.
Everything seemed normal at first The sonic the hedgehog opening screen was normal with the Intro music.
I pressed start and with a sudden flash sonic's  eyes were blacked out with red pupils and he was covered in blood. The background was full of blood and gore the screen blacked out before I could a better look at it, leaving me confused and slightly concerned.
    Instantly I was taken to a data select screen with three files.
   One had Tails, the cutest little two tailed fox ever.
Another, knuckles and the last one Dr.Eggman I loved to call
Him Dr.Scumbag for some reason...
Knuckles and Dr.Scumbag were locked so I had no choice but to click on tails,I clicked on Tails, I mean he was adorable and he was smart nothing can get better than that combo.

After I clicked on tails it read: it pulled up the classic: Hill Act I
   Suddenly I saw classic Tails waiting for me to move him, which I did with the right arrow button on my keyboard.
Everything seemed normal, the flowers danced and the hill was green with the palm trees.
Out of nowhere there was a little animal in the path, I made Tails approach it, that's when I noticed that the animal was dead and covered in blood, completely grossed out I kept Tails moving not sure of what was suppose to happen next.
As I kept Tails going, there was three than 20 than 80 dead animals all over the ground and the trees.
There was so much  gore I really wanted to shut off the game but like I was being controlled by an unknown force I stayed glued to the game and kept going.
Right then I noticed the music had changed, it was distorted and it slow fade ons like it was Green Hill zone backwards.

In the corner of my left eye I noticed sonic stood there normal but with his back facing Tails.
My finger no longer pressed on the right arrow key and like a horror movie scene Tails was slowly approaching Sonic.
I felt my heart beat a million miles per hour. I really didn't want anything to happen to little Tails.
But it was too late Tails already touched Sonic, the screen went black along with an ear bleeding and heart popping scream that would haunt me for ages.
It was back to the act screen only this time it read:

Let's play tag.....
Your it...

The screen faded to black and popped up with Tails in the jungle this time there was fire everywhere..he seemed scared, utter horror filled his eyes  and he faced the screen as if trying to tell me I needed to get out of there...not him...but me..
  I moved tails with the right arrow key he was still in his walking state, slowly just making his way through the emblazoned forest.
Suddenly out of the left part of the screen, Sonic was hovering after Tails with his right arm extended out after him.
   My mind was racing, the music seemed to grow louder as sonic approached ever nearer.
   I don't know I could feel the fear as I smashed on the key wanting and begging for Tails to go faster noticing sonic was covered in blood.
   I never thought sonic would turn into the monster he is, this game had become twisted, sick, and oh so wrong.
    Tails wouldn't go any faster and I could feel tears build up as sonic grew ever nearer.
  For some reason all the memories of the adventures I had with Tails flashed within my mind.
  From the first time I met him in Sonic Heroes I instantly fell in love with his personality. Ever since then we had a adventures such as racing through the city in Sonic Zero gravity, we helped sonic through his werehog state in Sonic Unleashed, We figure skated together in the Winter Olympics and always won.
  We were a team I couldn't see it ending this way, everything we had been through, all the adventures, the laughs.
   Somehow I felt that this was my fault, only if I never opened the game, if I had just listened to Chris.
   The sorrow, the pain, feeling absolutely helpless,useless, sonic had gotten ahold of Tails with another emotion shattering scream. I felt myself on the edge of tears, I didn't want to play this game anymore, it was nothing but a load of emotional bullshit I couldn't handle but something made me stay...somewhere in my right mind made me stay and keeping playing this bastard of a game.
  Within the darkness the act screen didn't pop up it just showed in red Text:

You're too slow (y/n)...
     Wanna try again?

Yes.    No.

I didn't want to play anymore, how did it know my name? Fear raced trough my Veins and my mind raced with possibilities but I clicked yes anyway not sure if I could ever stop playing...

When I clicked "yes" I was brought back to the data Select screen, Tails was in his box but instead of his yellow fur it was black including his eyes.
     I was no longer afraid I was just angry at sonic but just depressed for tails, this game was twisted and mean who would do such a thing to him like this? Why?
I had enough I hand my computer on the top of the computer ready to shut it down when I gave one last look at Tails.
  I couldn't  leave him like that...there was no way I could do that...there had to be a way I could save him, that's when I gave another glance at Knuckles.

maybe I could save him...
maybe I could save all both of them..maybe even Dr.Scumbag...just maybe.....

I clicked on knuckles waiting for what other terrible encounters awaited me instantly regretting my decision. How was I suppose to save them? What made me think I could save them? They're just video game characters! But I never felt this away when I played call of duty...or GTA. I just saw them as dolls.
But Tails, knuckles. They were my childhood...maybe that's what I'm trying to save, my childhood.
The Act screen popped again only this time with the words:

Act 2
Let's play...

The act screen blacked out and knuckles appeared at the chemical plant.

I moved knuckles with the right arrow button. Until he all of a sudden stopped and looked at same way Tails did in the fiery jungles of Hell.
He made motions as if telling me to run...not him...but me! I shook my head and said I'm doing it for Tails.
  As if he could hear me, a wave of sorrow but determination flooded his expression and as if right on que  Sonic.Exe appeared but knuckles stayed put trying to fight him off but he wasn't fast enough...and the screen black out..

The red text appeared again..


It devolved into more red text...

Why so slow....and not at my realizing....

It devolved and I was back at the data screen...

Knuckles fur was a dark pink and his eyes were blacked out as well..

The last one Dr.Scumbag...I clicked on him not caring what happened to him.. But Knuckles and tails I really felt some kind of way....

The screen blacked out

No act screen appeared this time instead Dr.Scumbag appeared at a castle.
I pressed on the right stole key which made him run funny, his arms behind him while he ran, he came to a long set of stairs which he ran down, but when we were almost to the door Sonic popped out of nowhere and the screen went black.

The red text appeared again..

Your mine now.....

That was the last thing I read before something lunged out at me from my computer yelling "FOUND YOU!" making me black out...

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