Gally imagine

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It was the bonfire for the new greenie and I was sitting against a log, having some of Gally's special recipe. Someone then came up to me and put their arm around me. 

They tried to kiss me and I saw that it was Ben. I pushed him away and ran to the middle of the deadheads and sat down and started to to cry.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Just go away." I say.

"No your hurt, what happened." Gally demanded gently.

'Gally's here?? Talking to me??' I thought. "Why do you care?? You hate me anyways." I say.

"No I don't I like you." Gally says and comes over and hugs me.

"In fact Jamie, I love you." Gally says and then he kissed me.

I was shocked but kissed back. It got more heated in just a matter of seconds. 

I pulled away. "I love you too Gally." I say and kiss him again. 

We stayed there and cuddled the rest of the night.

There you go shanks!! So ya bye shanks!!

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