What the other gladers think of your relationship

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Thomas: The two of them are so dorky it's actually funny. But they still get their work done so I'm fine with it. -Newt       Thomas is a good match for y/n so yeah I guess. -Minho       They are both a good match I guess. -Winston    Why is she with that shuck face!? But I guess if she's happy I'm okay with it. -Gally

Newt: He isn't as depressed and for the first times he's actually happy. They are a great match. -Thomas      Adorable. -Winston      Three words Cute but polite. -Minho      Their okay I guess. -Gally   ("HAHA. Gally is okay with it!!" Minho says running. "YOU SHUCKFACE GET BACK HERE!!" Gally says running to get Minho.

Minho: They are crazy!! Masters of pranks and mischief. -Newt     What the shuck?! They are crazy. Like I'm fine with them dating but seriously stop with the PDA!! -Thomas    Yeah I agree with Thomas on that one. -Winston      No comment. -Gally ("Good you shank." Minho says. "Slim it klunk face." Gally snarls. "I'll kick your pony lovin butt." Says Minho. "I'll snap your neck, shank!" Gally says.)

Gally: Wow. He's actually nice to her. -Thomas    I'm fine with it. Gally's a friend of mine and so is y/n. Their cute together. -Winston      She helps him calm down. He loves her so much and he treats her like a princess. They are bloody cute together. -Newt    I mean he makes her happy but what does she see in that shank? -Minho ("YOU SHUCKFACED SHANK!!" Gally says. "Uh oh I better run." Minho says and starts running." )

Winston: Cute -Thomas     They are bloody adorable. -Newt      Okay I guess their cute together. -Minho    

There you go shanks. There's an update so yeah. Bye shanks.

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