He asks you to be his girlfriend (glade)

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Thomas walks over to you. "Hey Jamie." He says nervous. "Hey tom!!" Isay.

He comes over to me and kisses you on the cheek. "So Jamie do you wanna goonadatewithme?" He says to fast. "I'm sorry what Thomas?" I say confused. He takes a deep breath. "Will you go out on a date with me?" He says ears burning bright red. "Holy shuck Thomas!! YES!!" I say and hug him.                                                                                                                                                                                  -Time Skip cause I say so😏-

Thomas and I just finished eating the pasta that Fry prepared for us. We were talking. "Jamie I have liked you for awhile and will you be my girlfriend?" Thomas asks and his face is bright red. "YES, TOM, YES!!" I yell and kiss him.


I haven't seen Newt all day and I'm starting to worry. "Hey Alby have you seen Newt?" I ask. "Yeah I have, Tori, he's at the track hoes." Alby says. 

"Thanks Alby." I say. "Your welcome Tori." He says smiling and walks away.

I walk up to Newt and he sees me. "Hey Newtie!!" I say smiling. He blushes. "Tori will you have the honor of being my bloody girlfriend?" He says in his cute accent. "YES!!" I say and we kiss. I hear whistles and catcalls from the other gladers but all I care about is Newt right now.


I was running in the maze with my best friend Minho. I really like him, like love him.

"Hey Angie?? Are you okay?? You zoned out." Minho says concerned.

"Yeah I'm okay." I say smiling. "Good that." He says then starts to kiss me. We kiss for a few minutes then he pulls away and smirks.

 "Will you be my girlfriend, Angie whatever the shuck your last name is." He asks me. I nod and we kiss again and then we run back to the glade hand in hand.


I was working at my station. Then I feel to strong arms go around my waist and spin me around. "AHHH!!" I laugh. "How ya doin shank?" Gally asks me.

"Good, how bout you shuck face?" I ask smiling. He rubs the back of his neck. "Uh good. Um do you mind if I can talk to you by the deadheads for a minute?" He asks nervously. 

I have never ever seen this side of Gally before. "Yeah sure." I say curiosly. We walk to the deadheads and Gally looks at me straight in the eyes. 

"So what did you want to talk about, Gal?" I say using a nickname I like for him.

"Um Lily I've liked you for a-awhile and I w-was wondering if you would be my shucking girlfriend?" He says nervously and his face bright red. 

"GALLY YES I WILL!!" I yell of happiness. Gally stands there with the biggest smile on his face EVER. He walks over and kisses me on the lips. 

We walk back to the builders area hand in hand and Gally smiling like an idiot.

There you go shanks. A 510 word update. Sorry its been a while. Please comment for requests. And Ideas of course. So ya see ya shanks!!

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