Winston imagine

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I am a slicer. I love working with Winston. I haven't told him yet but I REALLY like him.

We were messing around and playing with the animals.

"Hey, Tori come on we got to work!!" Winston says laughing.

"Oops sorry Win." I say and smile at him.

We get back to work.

"So Tori, I've liked you for awhile and I- I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend??"

The question catches me off guard but I answer back.

"Win,  I really like you too, so yes I will be your girlfriend!!" I say and then he kisses me. 

We go to lunch hand and hand. We sit next to Newt, Gally, Minho, Thomas, and Chuck. "Didn't know you two are a thing." Gally says smirking.

"We are now!!" Winston says and kisses me. I kiss back. Everyone is clapping and whistling.

Winston and I pull apart and smile.

We enter twine our hands and eat our lunch.

There's a Winston imagine!! My three favorite maze runner characters are, Gally, Minho, and Winston!!

So ya hope you enjoyed!! So ya bye shanks!!

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