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He asks you To be his girlfriend:

I saw Winston  walking over to me. "Oh, uh, hi, Win." I say. "Uh, hey Kylie." He says his face bright red. "Are you okay, Winston?" I asked concerned. "Oh yeah, I'm totally fine." He says causally. "Anyways will you meet me by the deadheads at seven?" He asks me. "Sure Winston!" I say smiling. 

-Time Skip brought to you by Gally's Eyebrows and Minho's Hair-

I walked over to the deadheads and saw Winston smiling at me and had his hand behind his back. "Hey Kylie!" He says smiling. He kisses my cheek. I blush. Winston hands me a flower. "Aw thanks, Winston!" I say smiling. "Now um will you be my girlfriend?" He asks blushing like crazy. "Yes!" I say and then we kiss.

Favorite Sport: 

Winston likes Karate. I have no idea why but he absolutely loves it!

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