Thomas imagine

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"Hey Tom!" I say walking over to the map room. "Oh hey, Carlie!" Thomas says. "Thomas, I really want to be a runner." I say. "No, Carlie, just no!" He says his face horrified. 

"But, why not?" I say my smile dissapearing. "Because Carlie, it's dangerous." "No!! You don't control what I do Thomas!" 

-Time lapse to 3 days later, brought to you by Gally's Eyebrows- 

I saw Thomas walking over to me. "What do you want Thomas?" He sighs. "You can be a runner if you want." I gasp. "Thank you, Thomas, thank you!!" I say smiling.

-Time lapse, brought to you by Minho's Fabulous Hair-

I was running and next thing I knew I had 15 minutes till the doors close!! "Aw Shuck!!" I say running like a lunatic to the maze doors. I rounded the corner and saw just in time everybody shouting to come on but I yell: "I won't make it! I love you Thomas!" I saw Thomas crying. The doors shut and I sigh. 'Well I can at least try and stay alive.' 

-Thomas's POV- 

"She didn't make it!" I say crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder and, surprisingly it was Winston. "She's gonna make it, Thomas, she's so brave." He says and walks away.

-Time Skip to next morning-

I woke up to the doors opening and saw Carlie lying on the ground... STUNG!! "SOMEBODY GET THE SHUCKIN ANTIDOTE!!" I say.

-Time skip cause I'm to lazy to write.-

-Carlie's POV-

I bolt upwards and gasp. "Carlie!!" Thomas says. "How do you feel??" "I feel okay, I guess." I say. 


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