A xo

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Jacks POV

When I woke up Arielle was no where to be seen. I walked into the bathroom and found a note underneath the soap bottle.

Sorry I had to rush to a meeting and I didn't want to wake your pretty face up, last night was good but let's face it Maynard you've been better. A x

I laughed and scrumpled the note and threw it into her bin. I got myself washed and then walked back into her room. I had no idea what time Joe would be back so I thought that the quicker I leave the better. However going back home in the same clothes that I wore last night I knew the guys would be suspicious but I guess I would just have to tell them I felt so ill I went to the nearest hotel or something.

"Ow shit" I said holding my foot as I stumped my toe on the corner of a box on the floor. I looked closer at what I hit my toe on because it really fucking hurt me. On the box was a sticky label on it saying jacks old stuff, send it to the junk yard asap. The black marker pen was old and had water marks on it so has been smudged so it's just about readable. I opened the box and had a look through what was in the box. Some of my old clothes that wouldn't fit anymore and shoes that were way to old a smelly to even think about wearing anymore. Also there were old pictures of my and Arielle from parties or trips out where fans would take pictures of us and they would be accidentally cute. We looked so genuinely happy and well in love.

At the bottom of the box there was an envelope with my address written on it along with my name

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At the bottom of the box there was an envelope with my address written on it along with my name. I pulled it out of the box and then sat down on Arielle's bed. I pulled out the old piece of paper which had scribbled writing on it.

Hey jack,

So letters are pretty cool right? Thought this would be the least dramatic way of talking to you. Anyway it's been a year since our breakup and well we haven't spoken since. Even though you don't believe me, I didn't cheat. But you seem a lot more happier now with Lydia and well I'm glad for you. But yeah erm just hope you know that you've always got a place in my heart. Gay but true.

I will never forget about you Jack Mayanrd

A xo

However that note was cute I then must have done something to really to annoyed her because then there was pen scribbled all over the paper. Arielle can only be cute for a couple of minutes can't she. But what does she mean I will always have a place in her heart and i will never forget about her. She clearly forgot about me pretty well when she was fucking that boyfriend of hers, well now ex boyfriend but still. I placed the letter carefully into the envelope again and then placed it back into the box exactly where it was to begin with. I called Conor.

"Wanna go for lunch?" I asked him. He agreed but said he was with Joe. I said that Joe could come too and they would meet me at the pub around the corner from here. I had to then get changed back into the clothes I was wearing last night and I then set of for the pub.

"You alright now mate?" Conor asked.

"Yeah erm about last night" I said to them both. I mean I have to tell someone about this. Well I can't tell them about the note without having to explain the rest of it.

"Oh god" Joe laughed.

"Basically me and Arielle hooked up" I said but avoided eye contact with them both.

"Holy fucking shit" Conor said. Joe didn't seem too shocked. "Why aren't you as shocked?" Conor read my mind and asked Joe.

"Well erm Arielle may have told me that you hooked up and VidCon is well" he said awkwardly. Shit.

"Okay that may also be true" I laughed. The guys both just laughed in response. "So yeah anyway she was gone when I woke up and then I came out of the shower and stubbed my toe on this box" I began to explain everything that just happened, how I read that letter and everything.

"Yeah we were talking about you once and Ari was just like yeah I wish he would just speak to me once. So I suggested a letter would be a good idea and then well it was the day you announced your relationship with Lydia and then she said she hated you and yeah erm very bad words" Joe laughed

"I'm just so confused does she hate you or love you?" Conor then asked

"I think she wants to hate you but can't help loving you" Joe said.

Arielle's POV

"Okay Danny I have a confession" I said to Danny as we were driving to the offices.

"Oh god I do not like the sound of this" he laughed.

"I slept with Jack, again" I giggled. As well as Joe, Danny is always one of the first people that know anything that happens so he already knew about me and Jayden breaking up and everything.

"You didn't! Come on girl" he said in his overly camp voice.

"I couldn't help myself" I insisted

"For someone who hates his guts you seem quite fond of him at the moment" he raised an eyebrow. I just pretended to gag in response.

"Conor suggested that he comes and has a look at my Range Rover and see if he can fix it so I guess I'm gonna have to see him for a bit" I rolled my eyes. I couldn't think of anything worse. Having to spend time with your ex.

"Sounds like fun" he laughed.

After a long day of meetings about new fashions and traveling to meet all the viewers I finally arrived home with a bag of McDonald's. I gave Bentley his dinner and sat down on the sofa and began editing my Vlog from the day. Even if I don't do much during the day I do like to give the viewers at least something to watch.

I woke up the next day and according to Twitter it was the hottest day of the year and how am I spending it you ask? Editing videos and spending it with my ex boyfriend. Yes Jack is coming over to have a look at my car. I brushed my hair with my hands so my curls from yesterday became slightly looser and the put it up into a pony tail. Outside it was already boiling hot for London so I put on a bright pink bikini top and then a pair of little white shorts. I put in minimal make up; just enough to make me look good.

"I think Jack will like" I giggled as I twirled around as I was looking at myself in my full length mirror. Joe was already out for the day as he has gone Pokemon hunting with Oli. How cute. The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs with Bentley following.

"Hey jack" I smiled. When we aren't fucking I just wanted to punch him in the face. Make him feel the pain that I felt that night.

"Alright" he winked and walked into the house. His wink that he does always makes my heart flutter

Let's face it everything he does makes my heart flutter.

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