Just Friends

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Arielle's POV

"Hey guys so today it is the Laid in America premiere and oh my god I'm am so excited to get all dressed up for like the first time in months" I exaggerated to my vlogging camera. Jack was in the background of my room trying to find an iron so he could iron his shirt. I'm not too sure what people think about me and Jack at the moment, obviously they don't know about the airport incident and they don't know that we are kinda dating again. I mean he hasn't called my his girlfriend yet but I haven't called him my boyfriend yet so that's okay. But it's been a week or so since the airport incident and we have been seeing eachother basically everyday. So in my blogs and everything the fans were starting to get very suspicious.

As I have already done multiple videos of me getting ready for different things there was just no need to do it anymore. So I got changed into my dressing gown and began to do my make up.

"Do you always take this long to get ready?" Jack moaned.

"Yeah got a problem?" I asked Jack. He didn't reply. "Thought so" I laughed and the continued to do my make up. I curled my hair and put it into a bun.

"Right okay what dress?" I asked Jack holding up two different dresses. One was a burgundy coloured dress which come to just about my kneecaps and was tight fitting. The other was white and had a lace look too it.

"Definitely the white one" Jack nodded. I went and got changed into it.

"I actually don't know how you are mine" he said and stood up immediately, flattening his suit out

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"I actually don't know how you are mine" he said and stood up immediately, flattening his suit out.

These kinda situations where you want to look all elegant kinda suck for me. Being covered in tattoos and piercings didn't really help the whole look.

"When did you get that?" Jack asked my as he traced the picture of my most recent image of a skull which I had got tattooed on my hand so when I hold it up to my face it looks like it could be an image of my own skull.

"Literally the other day, have you not seen it yet?" I asked a bit shocked

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"Literally the other day, have you not seen it yet?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Probably" he laughed. "I just haven't noticed it yet" he then added.

"Take a snapchat of us two" he then asked me and handed his phone.

"You sure?" I raised an eyebrow.

"They have no proof that we are together, don't worry" he winked and wrapped one of his arms around my waist and taking a picture in the full length mirror that was in my room. "See that will be fine" he insisted even though it clearly wasn't. I rolled my eyes and just began to pack my white clutch bag that went with the dress. 

Jack, Conor, Zoe and myself decided we would all share an uber ride to Trafalgar Square where the premiere was going to be.

"You look stunning as per!" I said to Zoe as she arrived at mine and Joes house.

"Shut it you" she laughed and gave me a hug. The übers arrived and is 4 all jumped into one and left everyone else to sort themselves out.

"So what are you two going to do?" Conor asked me and Jack.

"What do you mean?" I asked not really understanding the question.

"Like are you gonna act as boyfriend or girlfriend or what?" He then explained.

"Well we aren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend so we don't really have to act like anything" Jack just shrugged like this was nothing. But not going to lie this comment pissed me off. It's like he's almost ashamed of being with me in public or some shit. I just rolled my eyes and decided to go on the red carpet with Zoe.

"Why aren't you walking on with Jack?" She asked me whilst we were both posing for the paparazzi.

"Did you hear his stupid comment in the car?" I laughed. "It's like he doesn't want to be seen with me or whatever, like am I really that bad?" I laughed but it wasn't actually a joke.

"Zoe! Arielle! An interview please?" I man with an extremely camp voice shouted to me and Zoe. We both smiled and walked over to him. He asked us the basic questions like did you ever think people who make videos in their bedroom would be this big and how proud are you of your friends and all them basic questions that you would get asked at every interview.

"So Arielle, there has been some rumours out there that well you and Mr Jack Maynard are back together" he then smirked. Well if Jack wants to say things like that in the car, I'll just say what he said right?

"Nooooo, just friends" I laughed.

"Well that's what they all say" he winked to the camera that they were recording the interview on.

"Also Zoeeeee" he then began "how about you and Alfie, things have been a bit quite since the whole VidCon incident" he then said. It wasn't really a question but he did expect an answer.

"Yeah erm I mean sometimes privacy is the best thing the viewers could give us, you know instead of presents and tweets or whatever. But things are erm well working" she finally decided on the word to use. I mean I personally wouldn't of used that word but well it's not my drama. He then asked us some would you rather questions and then we said goodbye as we got called to the film.

Jacks POV

After the film we all decided we would go for a few drinks and something to eat as it wasn't really that late. Arielle has been acting pretty off with me but I decided I couldn't be fucked with any drama tonight so I just left her to do her own thing.

"Oh so guys I would like to say that basically on Friday I'm performing at V festival and you guys can all come, VIP and all that" Conor said to everyone, the last sentence made everyone laugh.

"Who else is going" Josh asked.

"Like us and then Arden and Will, and then I think you know Roman is there doing some things for Capital but he said he is mainly gonna chill with us lot" Conor explained.

"Oh Roman Kemp?" Arielle then asked, this is basically the first time I have heard her speak this whole night.

"Yeah, you know him?" Conor then asked.

"Oh yeah I think I got his number once at an event and we send we would go out sometime but we never did" she laughed. "This is him right?" She then asked Connor and got a picture of Roman from his Instagram.

"Bingo" Conor said back

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"Bingo" Conor said back. By this time everyone had kinda joined back to there own little conversation with someone but I wasn't speaking to anyone, I was just listening to Conor and Arielle speak about Roman. "Why does someone like?" Conor then wiggled his eyebrows.

"You never know, I mean I don't have a boyfriend or anything"

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