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It's finally the day... The day we have to go back to school and pretend like we actually care about what they're teaching us.

"I haven't missed this place even for a moment" I grind my teeth before Effy pulls me in college.

"Yeah, but I bet you this place has missed you" I roll my eyes at her.

We get to our lockers and then we split up. Effy goes to toilet and I go to common room. Once I walk in I see Freddie sitting by himself and eating a bowl of fries.

One slight moment I hesitate. What if he's mad at me. I stare at him as he eats his fries. I really missed him, it's like the hole in my chest gets slowly filled with something. Something I don't like because without it I feel empty. And after that moment I shake it off. This is ridiculous.

I sit in front of him and take one of his fries. When I put in my mouth Freddie finally looks up and his face expression is full of surprise. Well, that's better than disappointment or anger. It's more than I let myself to expect.

He gives me a small smile and I give him one as well and then we both look down. Well, this definitely is awkward.

"So how was your bath?" Freddie asks after couple of moments of weird silence. What is he talking about?

"What bath?"

"The one you popped in to think three months ago"

"Right" I nod finally understanding what he's talking about" I went to Italy"


"Si. How was your summer?"

"Not bad. Got chlamydia"

"Wow" That's interesting. I can't help but wonder how he got it "Exotic"

"That's what I said. Then I realized Cook had it as well and I didn't feel quite so special" I know it's bad to think that. But is there any way Effy could have given them that? And here's the punch in my chest I've been waiting since we came back from Italy. And then I feel quilt increasing. I don't even know if Effy had it. I'm the worst cousin ever.

"I bet it liked you more" I say and he laughs. I pretend thoughts doesn't bother me. I really missed Freddie like that. Happy and not pathetic and sad "So who gave it to who?"

"We didn't" He shakes his head. I know I should start trusting him. Again. But it's hard to trust a person who once betrayed you.

"And you're all clear now?" I ask and he looks a bit confused so I look down.

"Oh, yeah, fine now. Clear as a bell" I laugh "Not sure about him though" He points at Cook and I look at him, but he's already looking at me. I give him a smile and look back at Freddie again who's been staring at me the whole time I looked at Cook with quite the jealous look on his face.

"It's you I spend all summer thinking about" I say looking him right in the eyes. He looks at me not saying anything "I missed you" I say when I lean to grab one more fry and then I leave him sitting alone. Giving him one last look before I walk out of the common room.

"Hey, princess" Someone touches my shoulder when I bend over to pick my drink from a vending machine. I turn around to see Cook with the biggest smile on his face. I can't help but smile as well.

"Cook" I say happily and hug him.

"Glad to see you're not getting into any fights anymore" He brushes his finger through my cheek where was some bruises three months ago "How was your summer, princess?"

"Look who's talking" I say and he laughs. I like seeing Cook like this as well. Maybe I can't love him the way he wants me to love him, but I sure as he'll care about him deeply "I guess it was fine. No fights, no problems just beach and Effy"

"So where you and Eff been gone?"

"Italy" I say "So what Cookie Monster been up to?"

"You gotta stop calling me that" I laugh at Cook's face expression "Nothing much really"

"I really hope you've been staying out of trouble"

"You know me, princess. Cook can't be without some trouble"

"I wish it wouldn't be like that"

"Stop worrying about me, princess" Cook laughs but I just shake my head at him "I'm good. Really"

"You better not be lying to me, Cookie Monster" I point my finger at him "'Cause otherwise you'll have to deal with angry me"

Cook laughs and I laugh after him.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Cook asks and then I realise that the bell rang like five minutes ago.

"Fuck" He laughs "Gotta go"

I put my math book into my locker when someone hugs me from behind.

"I've missed you too" He whispers in my ear making shivers go down my spine. I turn around smiling and he kisses me.

There's some party at someone's house and Effy drags me along with her. We've been back two days and she already knows about all the parties that are going to happen this week. I wonder how much effort she put in that. Probably none since everyone at our school invites Effy at their parties since year 1.

I'm dancing with Effy at first still waiting for others to come. And by others I mean Freddie. He said he'll come but he didn't tell me when. Finally someone hugs me from behind and kisses my neck.

"You came" I turn to face him and he pulls me for a kiss.

  "You came" I turn to face him and he pulls me for a kiss

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And then suddenly I notice Cook starting fight with someone. Freddie want to step in but Effy just shakes her head at me.

"You can't baby sit him forever" Effy grabs my wrist and squeezes it.

JJ tries to stop Cook, but he punches him as well and Freddie rushes to help JJ.

"What the fuck!?" I yell at Cook as I rush to JJ as well "What the fuck got into you?!" He doesn't answer me, he just rushes through the door.

After that none of us wants to stay in the party anymore. So I and Effy go home.

"What the fuck got into Cook tonight?" I ask when Effy and I are walking down our street.

"He was probably just being Cook" She answers and lights up a cigarette.

"No, I think its different now. I think something's up with him" I say, concerning my voice. Effy rolls her eyes at me "I mean he would never hit JJ. Never"

"Yeah, you're right" Effy says after couple minutes of silence when we're already standing in front of our house.


"It's you and Freddie" Effy casually says and leaves me standing outside.

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