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Freddie, JJ and Peter are playing Foosball in the common room and Freddie is losing miserably. I would want to help but I'll probably get too competitive and end up playing on JJ's side completely crushing Freddie's manliness. As much as it's left anyway.

"Look you cannot spin it" Freddie says while guys are doing the handshake "You're not allowed to spin it" They still do the handshake completely ignoring him. I laugh at Freddie's attempts to stop their joy "Anyway. It was two against one you wankers, speaking of which, feeling like helping your boyfriend a bit?" Freddie turns to face me.

"Awww" I give him a small kiss and hug him "No. But I feel like completely crushing you" I laugh out.

"Hey" JJ says while Freddie is still gazing at me "You think we should go cheer her up?" We look at Pandora who's sad almost all the time about what Thomas did.

Even though I don't completely know what he did. Or why he did what he did. I mean, I only headed 'the truth' from JJ's point of view. Apparently they were at Thomas's place watching something when Thomas burst out that he slept with someone to Pandora.

And that's it. I was never very close to Pandora, she's Effy's friend after all. But Thomas was one of my best friends last year and I wasn't ready to let that go so easily. I was planning to go to his new place and talk shit through with him.

"And how do you expect to do that, J? Her boyfriend just cheated on her with the hottest of the hot, mate" Freddie says. I scoff "You're in that list as well" I hit his arm.

"Wow, should I feel flattered that I made that list or offended?" I ask crossing my arms on my chest. Freddie gave me a smirk and kissed me.

"Yep, Andrea is maximum hot. I think of her sometimes when I'm in bed, when I'm cozy, just before I go to sleep" I give JJ a weird look. Too much information. I was done with monologue when he said that Andrea is maximum hot "Sorry, I'm back, okay, I'm back, right" Me, JJ and Freddie go over to talk to Pandora.

Well actually I'm dragged towards there by Freddie even though I wanted to play a Foosball match with Peter.

The guys sit next to her and I sit in front of them. Rolling my eyes at Freddie.

"You alright, Panda Popps?" Freddie asks. Stupid question really. It's like asking him how did he feel when...

"Not really"

I completely understand her even though I don't want to. It's exactly what happened when I found out about Effy and Freddie. It's like a your heart is crushed into million small hurtful pieces. And only one person may glue them back and you want him to glue it back but at the same time the thought of that makes you even more hurtful and angry and sad and pathetic at the same time.

I completely understand Panda and even though in my darkest and deepest places of soul I believe that Pandora is acting like a hypocrite. I mean, she was the one screwing Cook behind Thomas's back last year.

"You know, love is really overrated, Panda" JJ starts, cutting off my thought train. Oh this is going to be good. Freddie gives me a quick look. I can swear I saw worry and quilt in his brown eyes "I've never even had a girlfriend and look how happy I am" Pandora looks at his face "In between mini psychological breakdowns" Jesus "Sure all serotonin and dolphins and sex makes you feel" Pandora looks like she's about to cry "But really? Love? An illusion" Pandora is crying "Can't last. Nope"

"Nicely done" Freddie whispers and I get up and walk out of the common room to take couple of my books out. I can't stand this parade anymore.

When I walk back in the common room Freddie is already sitting on the other couch than JJ and Panda so I sit next to him and we kiss.

"Everything's alright?" Freddie asks gazing into my eyes.

"Yeah" I nod and Freddie raises his eyebrow "I just think that Pandora is acting a bit not fair, don't you think?"

"Well, Thomas did cheat on her"

"Yeah, but I mean she was the one who kept screwing Cook behind Thomas's back last year"

"She's just hurt, Sophie"

"Yeah, I know how that feels" I say and immediately regret it. Freddie seems hurt "Fred..."

"Well howdy fucking dowdy" Cook walks in the common room cutting me off.

"Hi, Cook" I say taking my eyes off of Freddie for a moment.

"Hey" He nods into my direction. Freddie and Effy both gives me a quick look "I just swooned by to see how deep everyone's rolling. See who's up for a pint and a poke. JJ? Panda?"

"No, thanks" JJ shakes his head and Pandora shakes her head as well.

"No? Why?"

"Just, don't want to" Or maybe the reason is because Cook punched him in the face and didn't even apologize.

"Naomio? What about you? Bring your lady we'll make a threesome" Naomi shakes her head "What's with you two?" None of them say anything. "Black guy?" Peter shakes his head. He doesn't even know Cook and for what his heard I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to be involved with Cook. Freddie stands up, so does Effy. I'm still sitting, so Effy pulls me up.

"Aren't you scared, Cookie?" Panda asks.

"Of what?"

"Of going to a blumin jokey?" Cook shakes his head. Of course he's scared. I think he's just too tough to admit it.

Freddie puts his arm around my shoulder and basically drags me towards Cook.

"We'll come" Freddie says.

"Nah, you're alright" Cook says. Obviously not, why would he want us to come? "What happened to you?" He asks JJ's.

"You don't remember?" JJ asks. Well, that would explain why he didn't apologize to JJ. Or maybe not.

"No, remember what? Who fucked you?" JJ doesn't say anything just smiles. Is this how easily JJ is going to forgive Cook? What the hell?

"Ah finally, the famous Mr. Cook" Blood says. He's the guy that replaced Harriett, to be honest. I liked her way more. He just seems like such a tossed "Hi, Dave Blood. We have met before in fact, but take my card" He hands Cook the card, but he doesn't take it, so Blood just puts it in his pocket "We should paw wow" What is that supposed to mean? Paw wow?

"Huh?" I think Cook thought the same thing I did.

"I can see that this college has failed you, Mr. Cook, and I am deeply sorry. But unfortunately, since you've been implicated by the law, you have been automatically expelled. Ex-punched " Cook looks over at me and I just raise my eyebrows "Ex-communicated and I'm gonna have to ask you to scoot of"

"Or what?" Cook is acting ad though as he can. He acts like it doesn't bother him.

"Well or Jonathan here will escort you"

"Dude, Jonathan can kiss my ass unless he's tired of licking yours" I snicker "Jonathan?"

"Yes, that is tremendously amusing never the less. You are going to have abrogate and egress from the premises" Blood continues talking.

"Don't touch me" Cook says when Jonathan starts walking towards him. He comes over and twists Cook's arm so he would have control over Cook "Your hands of you fucking pussy!" Blood sprays pepper spray in Cook's eyes. Completely unneeded if you'd ask me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I and Effy both yell.

"Well it's an incident, reasonable force in self-defense" In other words I have power and you don't.

"Fuck that self-defense" I mumble under my breath.

"Luckily it's all over now and you can all go back to normal" Blood says and then leaves.

"Cook, you alright?" Freddie asks.

"Fuck off!" Cook says as Jonathan escorts him out.

"Fucking hell" I say to Effy and she nods.

"Where are we?" I ask once I and Freddie are standing in front some big house that looks like a mansion "Whose house is this?" I light up a cigarette, but Freddie quickly nicks it and throws it away "Hey!"

"Cook's" Freddie knocks on the door "Besides, you know I don't like it when you smoke"

"As if you don't smoke yourself" I say and a woman with red hair and black dress, who probably is drunk, opens the door.

"Freddie! How nice to see you! Come in" She invites us inside and we go into the living room "And you must be Cook's girlfriend" She says making me feel as awkward as possible. Where did she get the idea of that? "Saw your picture together" Ah, there's my answer.

"Um... Not exactly" I say my voice cracking at the end of statement.

"She's my girlfriend actually" Freddie says interrupting an awkward silence followed by my 'Not exactly' statement.

"Sophie" I say.

"Oh, how nice" She motions us to follow her "I just assumed since Cook is the ladies man"

"She seems nice" I whisper to Freddie.

"Mhm" Freddie nods and I instantly know what he's thinking about.

We sit on the couch and wait for Cook to come back home. His mom said that Cook went completely psycho and ruined her precious work. We hear how the door opens and then closes and someone, probably Cook, is breathing heavily. Cook almost walks past us, but he stops when he sees us sitting on the couch.

"Mate, listen thank Christ you're here, your mum's on one again, we've just come around" Freddie jumps up and starts talking. I would jump up to but I don't really feel like it. I mean, I can see Cook perfectly fine even sitting down.

"Yeah I want to talk to you man" Cook says looking kinda mad.

"Well, look who it is, the man who cost me 90,000 quid. Hello, you sweet little turd" Cook's mum walks in the living room.


"That's right. I'm still your mum... and... yep" She seems even more drunk that she was five minutes ago if that's possible.

"Where's Paddy?" Cook asks.

"Oh he's gone to see that friend, what's his name? Look who's here Freddie. Freddie, Freddie, long time no see, Freddie, and he brought your girlfriend with him" Cook's mum has got to be kidding me "I mean his girlfriend" She corrects herself.

"What do you want, man?" Cook draws his attention to Freddie again.

"Easy, I came to see if you'll alright, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Mhm, tips tops" Wow, so much sarcasm I almost feel proud of him. I mean, that almost sounded like me on a regular basis.

"Well I'm glad that someone is 'cause we have... Hey, now we can have a proper party, can't we?" Cook's mum says.

The three of us sit on the couch and watch her play on Guitar Hero. I'm sitting in between guys. Which feels very awkward since both of them are trying to be as far from me as possible. It seems like Cook's mum is trying to flirt with Freddie because she gets closer and closer to him and almost is pulling her dress off in front of him. Freddie is trying not to look, Cook looks completely embarrassed and I'm just sitting there with my mouth open.

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