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"If you won't stop staring, I will knock you out" I look up from a book at Freddie and Cook sitting in front of me on the couch in Freddie's shed.

"Sorry, babe" Freddie says "It's just weird"


"How can you read so much?" Cook nicks my book away, but I throw a pillow at him.

"If you won't give it back" I say writing in my notebook "I will sacrifice you"

"To who?"

"Who gives a fuck 'to who?'. Just sacrifice and that's it"

"You love me too much" He teases and Freddie laughs. I get up, take my book from Cook's hands and punch him in his shoulder "Ouch"

"That's for nicking my book, toser" I say and get out the shed.

Today I went to a store where JJ and Thomas are working which I somehow end up doing almost every single day because they're the only ones of my friends who isn't all awkward and sad all the freaking time, plus it helps me not to kill Cook and Freddie.

I stand next to a shopping charts and watch as Thomas is pulling one of them with JJ in it. JJ is screaming and I'm laughing of their behaviour.

This really helps me, watching as two people I honestly like are so happy with their lives. It helps me not to think about Effy all the fucking time. Or the voice that won't stop repeating that it's my fault.

Sometimes it gets really hard to ignore it, but Freddie helps me and so does Cook. They don't really know about it, but it helps when they are with me, it helps as long as I'm not alone or with Effy, which I'm not because I just can't make myself be next to her longer than two minutes.

"Hi, Thomas" They both stop "Hi, AJ" Still can't believe JJ didn't tell her his real name "Hi, Sophie" I wave when she drives on her bike away.

"Holy macaroni, that's..." JJ says and I notice he's looking at Lara's butt "Oh, man"

"You have to ask her out, cuz" Thomas says.

"But..." JJ laughs and looks at Thomas.

"Yeah, but she's out of your league"

"I mean yes, but..."

"But you've only slept with one girl and this person was a lesbian who felt sorry for you" I snicker.

"No. I mean, yes, but..."

"But you have no hair on your balls" I start laughing.

"No. I mean, yes, I mean, no, there's lots of hair on my balls"

"Jesus" I say and try to hold my laugh back.

"I don't think so, cuz, there's none" Thomas walks away.

"I do have hairy balls" JJ yells to Thomas who's walking away. I notice a woman and two girls standing next to a car and looking at JJ like he's some kind of pervert "There is lots of hair on my balls. My balls are hairy" I start laughing "My cock's hairy to. What do you think of that" I start laughing harder and almost fall down when JJ turns around and notices woman with girls.

"So basically" I'm talking on the phone with Freddie "Can you tell me what the fuck do you want?"

"Cook said he wants vodka and porn"

"Tell him I'm not buying anything like that and he can go fuck himself"

"Oh, come on, princess" Freddie gives phone to Cook and now he's begging.

I see how Thomas knocks JJ down by jumping on him.

"Stop flirting with each other and go clean toilets" Lara says and I start to laugh

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"Stop flirting with each other and go clean toilets" Lara says and I start to laugh.

"She smiled at me" JJ looks at Lara who's walking away.

"This is your chance" Thomas gets him up and kicks him in his butt.

"Why are you laughing?" I hear Cook ask.

"Nothing. I'm buying some candies and that's it" I say.

"How about some condoms?" Thomas laughs and walks away before I can kick him.

"Don't be so pathetic, JJ" I say when he's again talking about some alien from another planet who he pretends to be Lara "Just tell her you like her. Like really really much" I fall on JJ's bed almost right on top of him.

"It's not that easy, Sophie" He says "It's difficult"

"I don't see what's difficult about telling her you like her"

"You only say that because you and Freddie are already having sexual activities for more than a year now" JJ says.

"JJ, ew. Let's not talk about that now" JJ takes his small guitar and starts playing with it when someone knocks on his doors.


Freddie opens the doors and has a big blue bag with him.

"That's a lot of stuff in there, Freddie" JJ's mum says.


"Shout out if you need anything"

"Yeah. Alright. Fine" Freddie struggles to get it in the room.

 Fine" Freddie struggles to get it in the room

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He turns around and notices me and JJ.

"Are you going to fucking help me here or what?"

"Yes" JJ gets up from his bed "What's..." He motions to the bag. This cannot be what I think it is, it just can't. They're not that dumb or crazy. They're not.

"Freddie" JJ says "You're bag is on fire" Yes, it definitely is. They're fucking idiots.

"Just open it" Freddie says and starts coughing. JJ slowly starts opening the bag when Cook jumps out of there.


"Daddy's home" Cook laughs out. Fuck he's being loud.

"You're... You're..." JJ doesn't find any right words to explain what's happening and then he faints.

"Well that's a fucking surprise" I say and Cook puts his hand on my head.

"Aren't you lovely today, princess?"

"I'm out" I say getting up "Tell JJ that I'll see him later"

"Wait. I'm coming with you" Freddie says and we both get out, but before we leave I wave at Cook and then point my middle finger at him.


"Why the fuck do I have to help you wankers?" Cook asks lifting one of the garbage bags that all are full of trash.

"Um... Let me think about it. Probably because I didn't give you in even when you were annoying me" I say and throw empty beer can at him "Wanker"

"Yeah, you love me" He laughs out "I wanna eat"

"There's nothing in the fridge" I say, but he still goes to check it anyways "Told you"

"How about you go to buy us something?"

"How about you piss off?"

"Chill babes" Freddie kisses my forehead "We'll go"

"Isn't like police looking for Cook" I point the obvious.

"They can suck my cock" Cook says putting his hands on his hips and trusting a bit in the air.

"We'll be fine" Freddie says pushing Cook out the door.

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