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I woke feeling a tight knot in my stomach then I felt puke, I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Thea you okay?" Calum asked coming into my room. "Yeah just felt a little sick I'm better now." I told him and brushed my teeth. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen but scoffed while walking out when I saw Luke. It's been 3 days since me and Calum cought him, I haven't spoken a word to him in the those 3 days.

I went up to my room and got dressed because me and Brooke are going to look at a house.

I walked downstairs seeing Brooke was ready we almost got out the door when we were stopped

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I walked downstairs seeing Brooke was ready we almost got out the door when we were stopped. "Where are you two going?" Michael asked mouth stuffed with pizza that he ordered. I grabbed a price, "house hunting." I answered walking out after Brooke who was already in the car.

"Thea I'm worried about you." I heard Brooke say when I got in the car. "Why?" I asked starting the automobile. "For 2 days you've woken up puking. Ali, are you pregnant?" Her question made me choke on my pizza. "I-i I don't know." I mumbled continuing to drive. "Stop at Walgreens, please." She demanded. I stopped at the drug store and she got out.

About 5 minutes later she came out with a white box in her hand. I looked closely at the box as she got in the car, pregnancy tests. "Seriously Brooke? I'm not pregnant." I hissed starting to drive again. "You don't know that. When was the last time you had sex with dickface?" She asked her choice of words making my laugh. "2 weeks. Why?" I asked. "Well most times when girls get pregnant it doesn't show symptoms until she's, I don't know two weeks pregnant." She said sarcasticly but seriously.

"Okay I'll take the test." I said stopping at a gas station. I grabbed the box and walked out of the car and into the store. I walked to the counter. "Um can I have the keys to the bathroom please?" I asked awkwardly. "Costumers only." The lady said obviously sick of her job. I grabbed 4 king sized kit Kat bars and paid for them she handed me the keys and saw the box of test in my shaky hand. "Good luck." She said smiling. I walked into the bathroom and opened the box. I took out a stick and did what the instructions said.

I waited about 2 minutes before walking out. I grabbed the KitKat bars and thanked the lady before going back to my car. I got in and Brooke had her phone out video tapping me. "So?" She asked still taping. "I haven't looked I'm scared." I told her truthfully. "Just look!" She squealed, I looked at the stick and saw a big pink plus. I looked at Brooke who had pure hope in her eyes. "I-i'm pregnant." I mumbled. Holy shit, I'm pregnant. With Luke Hemmings baby.


I sat in the comfort of my bed, scrolling through the app, Instagram. I liked a few post as I scrolled, until a notification covered my screen.

*DM from Luke Hemmings*

The happiness that filled my body was amazing, the Luke Hemmings just dmed ME. I quickly clicked the notification excitement raging through me.

Lukehemmings: hey, your hot.


The fact that Luke Hemmings called me hot made me feel like I could fly, honestly.


I pulled into the driveway of the medium sized house, we got out of the car and walked up to the door. The older lady greeted us with a big smile as she guided us through the cozy home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a pool in the back yard. We decided on getting it, were moving in, in 2 days. Honestly I don't want Luke or the guys to have anything to do with this baby.

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