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The aching in my skull ebbed and flowed like a cold tide, yet the pain was always there. I understood at once why they call it a hangover, for it felt as if the blackest of clouds were over my head with no intention of clearing until late afternoon (or at least I hope so).

I very carefully levered up an eyelid and shut it again fast. A merciless sunbeam had squirted straight in, making my brain bleed.

I think I've sprained my liver. Well played tequila, well played.

I was sprawled on my stomach, one leg hanging off the side of the bed, both hands under my head.

Looking to the side, I saw that my alarm clock read six in the morning. A glass full of water and what I assume is an aspirin tablet were on my nightstand along with a note that said, "For your hangover" in blue ink. Too exhausted to think about who set them there and how I got back home, I reached for them, popped a pill in my mouth and drank water to swallow it down.

Grimacing, I gave up and let my body fall back in bed. I reverently rubbed my fingers along the silken mattress and pressed my cheek to the cool, velvet pillows. I made a mental note to call my mother and thank her for the comforter that was thick and irresistibly soft, like a billowing cloud. I toppled into it, relieved to rest my weary feet. Warmth and darkness enveloped me and I soon succumbed to the call of sleep.


My second try at waking up was a couple hours later when someone hammered on my front door. I waited a few seconds hoping the person would GO AWAY ALREADY.

I didn't plan on waking up yet. I have already decided I'm going to use what little energy I have today to breathe and maybe blink. That's about it. But when I heard Katelyn scream, "GET UP YOU LAZYASS," I smiled as I knew she won't give up unless I open the door.

I crawled out of bed with a more enthusiastic mood than before, but it was still a struggle.

Thinking of an insult as I walked towards the door, my glazed face slowly turned to a smile.

I hate that I love her.

She is the friend I'd feel the worst about killing in a post-apocalyptic death match for food. Alex can suffer it's fine. He always seemed contented when he'd hide my stuff and watch me go nuts. I think it's only fair.

Come to think of it, I actually used to be normal until I met those losers I call my friends. But who likes normal anyway? It's old and boring.

Alexander and Katelyn are people who never let me be lonely, they definitely disturb me twenty-four seven, and that I'm thankful for. They're polar opposites but exactly what I need in my life. Kate would be the crazy socially challenged sweetheart that I'd stay up all night with fangirling over hot celebrities. Whereas Alex is my sensible idiotic fairy godmother.

I took a deep breath before I opened the door preparing myself for the worst possible insult.


I opened the door with a cocky smile just as she screamed "SUCKER!" and threw an apple pie on my face. A freaking apple pie.

"I'm not even going to ask what was that for." I started chasing her through the hallway until I caught her. Although I was extra cranky this morning, no way in hell was I going to let that doofus get away with it that easily. Now the fun part. She rolled into a ball and covered her face with her hands. "I didn't think I would actually catch you. You're much faster than me, but now since you are here. Apple pies are your favourite right?" I asked rhetorically as I scooped some pie off my face and rubbed it all over her face.

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