A story about this enthusiastic yet somewhat mischievous girl and her newfound crush. Their meeting could only have been fate because they were tailor-made for each other. They didn't realise when, but them playing around changed to a bond that seem...
"I have of late-but wherefore I know not-lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and..."
"Shut up," Alex interrupted me mid-sentence. "Get to the point."
"I'm late for work." I pursed up.
It had been such an overwhelming morning that I lost track of time. Alex was nice enough to give me a lift to work.
"Now I'm going to have to listen to the principle whine," I told Alex. "God! He is so annoying." I sneered.
"Isn't he the same one you had a crush on sweets?" He nudged me.
"Oh please!"
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After school today, I'll head directly home. By home, I do not mean my apartment but actually home. I'll spend the weekend there.
I adore waking up at mom and dad's. I woke up extra early today and was cherishing the moment.
I skipped along the house and ran into Josh's room. I couldn't contain my excitement, I wanted to give him his gift already.
Reaching for my bag, I stealthily grabbed and hid the velvet-textured cloth behind my back.
I had spent hours upon hours watching tutorials and practising knitting and finally managed to put together a Christmas sweater for him. I tried to make it as personable as possible.
"Got you a present lil Brother!" I exclaimed
His cheeks flushed, and his breathing quickened. He was twirling around in circles. He seemed excessively excited.
Made me feel on top of the world.
I handed him the sweater with my fingers crossed, hoping it fits him... And more importantly, he doesn't hate it.
He stared at it for a moment. "It's not a PS4 but it's uhh... nice?" He said making me frown.
He leapt and clenched onto me. "I love it!" he told me before rushing to put it on.
It was sweet.
"...she's perfect. She always makes me feel better."
I was telling grandma Bunny about Skylar. I also told her about anything and everything going on in my life, and she was sweet enough to listen to me rant.
My grandmother is the nicest person I know. She makes those beautiful chocolate éclairs that all grandchildren love and she is very generous with them. Her hair has is gunmetal grey and is long and lush. Sometimes her eyes can appear milky when she is tired but usually, they are gleaming with energy. Her face can appear world-weary at times also but usually, she is active and alert.
Every Saturday she walks the two miles into town and then she can appear drowsy in her movements on the way home. In the winter her fingers get slightly inflamed from the cold but she says it doesn't hurt her. I have never seen her wear shabby clothes and they are always clean and fresh. She has the most angelic smile I have ever seen and, even though her voice can appear feeble at times, she is very healthy.