A story about this enthusiastic yet somewhat mischievous girl and her newfound crush. Their meeting could only have been fate because they were tailor-made for each other. They didn't realise when, but them playing around changed to a bond that seem...
"Could you please stop flirting with strangers," I whisper yelled at Katelyn.
It was the third time in less than an hour! First, the airport receptionist, then the guy who was in front of us in line, and now the dude sitting beside her.
Like, calm down woman!
"Lilly, babe. Shut the fuck up." She turned her head backwards to me as she replied blankly. "You have Andrew. I have a broken arm."
Well, she has a point. Wait, wha...
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"Ow!" She shrieked when I pinched her thigh. "What was that for?" She exclaimed causing people around to look at us. I wasn't bothered by their looks really. I'm used to it. Thanks to the bubbly broccoli-lover weird shit sitting in the seat in front of me.
"That's for saying that Andy is mine for the freaking kabillion time!" I gritted my teeth saying, as I leant forwards so only she can hear.
"Then how come you call him Andy?" I'm sure as hell that female donkey is smirking right this moment.
I smacked her head. Hah! She deserves it for being so...
NO. Shut up conscience. You know nothing.
Do I?
God! I can't bear with Katelyn's nonsense alone, now it's her and my inner self! What the heck is going on!
Is it karma?
Sure it is. I knew it was not right to tease Josh about that Emily chick in front of grandma. She actually came up with a ship name for them.
Oh how much I miss them. I should probably visit them all sometime when I go back.
"Urgh, finally," I muttered as I plopped down on my hotel room's bed, burying my face in the sheets.
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I was exhausted beyond exhausted. Tired. Bored. Aaah, why am I cranky now? I hate being cranky.
A few minutes later, I heard my phone's ring tone. I grabbed it from my back pocket and answered without looking at the caller ID.