A story about this enthusiastic yet somewhat mischievous girl and her newfound crush. Their meeting could only have been fate because they were tailor-made for each other. They didn't realise when, but them playing around changed to a bond that seem...
Katelyn wouldn't stop bugging me! She woke me up by chopping an onion and placing it near my nose. And that's all because she loses control when with 'prince charming' and can't stop whining because last time we met he told her that she was... nice, but he's kinda into guys.
Ever since that day and she has been weirder than flappy bird. I might not make sense but I seriously can't find a word to describe her nutty behaviour.
It was our third week in Hawaii which meant our little vacation is almost over. As much as I loved it dearly in here -especially because Andrew spent it with us, I can't to get back to work. I miss Skylar terribly as well as the other kids of course.
"Come on Lills! Please please please."
"Fine fine, what do you want?" God she gets unbearably annoying sometimes.
"Let's go back, I miss my busy bustling city."
I smirked. "Oh really? I thought it was because of TyTy and the fact that you can no longer look into his eyes when you found out he's gay..." I mocked.
"Don't call hom TyTy. I only get to call him that,"
I sneered. She's whipped.
"Well then, why don't you just ask him out?" I suggested.
"Are you high or something? YOU JUST FREAKING SAID HE'S GAY!"
"Well, it's not like you look like a girl so..." I said before running off to the other side of the room. I was so screwed.
"If I was a bird, you'd be the first one I'd shit on." She said before throwing her flip-flop in my direction.
I swiftly leaned to the right dodging it. "Haha you missed-" I was cut off by the other one hitting me straight in the face.
"No Lilly, you don't understand... He's so pretty, I want to cry."
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I shook my head chuckling at her stupidity.
"Whenever I'm near him I act like a horny spychopath!"
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"I'm afraid if we stayed here any longer, I'd go rape him or something... That sexy piece of junk. He's ruining my life! I'm going ape-shit! Lilly I-"
"Katie babe, I think I get it it. You can shut the hell up now."
She grinned widely, "Does that mean we're leaving? Ha? Ha? Ha?" Sigh, no hope.
"YES! My gosh, you're acting like a 3 year old who ate a candy cane."
I admit, I want to go back too because it's just not the same without Android around. He had to leave this morning. I didn't really the reason why but it has something to do with his dad. I hope everything is okay.
Third-person P.O.V
The young man was brought back home when his father called, urgently asking for his presence. He did not know what was awaiting him. He had no idea about Evan's offer. The one that surely will destroy everything for him.
"Here," Connor said pointing to the pile of papers on his office desk. "These are all the files related to our companies bu-"
"Your companies. Once again dad, they aren't mine and I don't want them to be!"
"When I die you'll be the one running them. You know your sister isn't responsible for such a thing," He said boldly causing Andrew to tense up and frown.
"But you know exactly how I feel towards this. I hate it, despise it!"
"Andrew, I left you to do whatever you wished your whole life! You said you wanted to be a psychiatrist and I didn't say anything about it. You said you wanted to open that clinic of yours and I still agreed and supported you with money. Now, I'm asking you... no, commanding. I am commanding you to work out something and get me out of this shit." Connor exclaimed in rage.
He was angry. Not with Andrew, but himself. He didn't want to pressure his son to do something he doesn't like. But it's too late now. He's forcing him either way. If he can't do anything, he'll have to accept the scumbag's offer which is way worse for the young man than studying the companies issue and working on it.
"I don't want-"
"Do you think I care about what you want or not? You're doing it anyways!"
"What is wrong with you? What freaking happened for all of this?" Andrew asked frustrated.
"Life happened!" Connor shouted. He had got to the point where he just can't take it. Too exhausted and furious. Too guilty of what's going to happen in the near future. "It's final Andrew. I will travel tomorrow night to Moscow to attend an economic conference there. Though, I'll be staying there for around 6 months."
And with that, he left his son. All alone in the cold room he genuinely hated being in. It's atmosphere made him have this urge to escape the awful feeling.
Sighing heavily, he rubbed his forehead as he tried so hard not to allow his mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.
I know this is a late update and the chapter is short and I'm so so sorry... I just felt a little bit down when the book dropped from #421 to #469 in General Fiction yesterday and worse, today it's #580
Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter. If so, don't forget to vote and comment.
Sorry again,
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