chapter 6

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Max's P.O.V.

so we had a blast that day. after riding the rollercoaster about half a dozen times, we went down to the beach to do some flips. but as soon as we started running, we couldn't stop. we just ran and ran and ran until we got to the edge of the beach and we flopped onto the sand, panting like puppies.

Cameron propped his elbows on his knees and let out a deep cough. i laughed. "easy there, champ." i said. "wouldn't wanna hack out our lungs now, would we?" he smiled.

"time's it?" he asked. i checked my watch. "4:17." i replied.

we decided to head back home.


when we got there, Cameron dropped his bike onto their front lawn. i was about to head off over to my house when he asked me to stay a while. so, i did.

we went straight to the backyard and found Maya sitting at the table, reading. she looked up and smiled. "Max!" she called, running up to meet us. "long time no see." she gave me a hug. i chuckled.

"hey there." i said. "look at you, you're so tall now!" Maya rolls her eyes but laughs. we all sit down in the grass.

"so, what have you been up to for the last two years?" she asks me. i shrug. "ah, well. you know, the usual" i say, "mostly magazine ads for Converse, Ed Hardy, just my old contracts. you?"

she sits up straight. "oh it's been awesome! i joined a theatre group and i've basically been doing a lot of that stuff." she said. "i got the lead in the last show we did. i played Mitchie!"

Cameron looked really excited for Maya. "oh yeah! they did Camp Rock." he added. "that was her first lead, i think?"

"my first big lead." corrected Maya. i laughed. "good for you, then." i said.

she raised her eyebrow. "well, superstar, Cameron says that you're auditioning for Jessie next weekend." she said. i whipped my head around at Cameron. "why did you tell her before i did?" i demanded, giving him a look. he grinned evilly. "oh, no, no." he said. "not just Maya. i told mom, dad, Lauren, Ty--"

"holy hell! you told X Mob?!?"

"well, yeah but--"

"dude, what'll i tell them if i don't actually get the part? why did you tell so many people? the more people who know, the more people i'll let down if i don't get  the part!" i was breathing hard. i was panicking. i looked down at my hands, they were shaking in my lap.

Cameron put his hands on my shoulders.

"hey." he said. he gave me a little shake. "hey, look at me." i met his eyes. i felt Maya take my hand and give it a squeeze. "it doesn't matter whether or not you get the part. i know you'll be awesome. we believe in you." Cameron said. "and i'm not just saying that cause you're my best friend either."

i felt a pang in my chest when he said best friend. i nodded.

"i-i'm you're best friend?" i asked. he shrugged and smiled a little. "well, yeah. i mean, you're the coolest person i know." he said. i forced a smile.

great. way to get friend zoned, Max.

Cameron's P.O.V.

damn it. why did i tell Max that she was just my best friend? welcome to Friend Zone. population: me. ugh. why?

after a while we went into the house to watch a movie. i was flipping through Netflix when dad got home. "what' up, youngins?" he greets us. we all say hey.

walks into the living room,  whistling as he flips through the mail. he pauses a moment and pulls an envelope out of the stack and hands it to me.

"it's for you, Cam" he says. i jump off the couch and take it from him. "oh Max," i say. "it's from BDC." she perks up at the name of our second home, the Basement Dance Center. "what's it say?" she asks.

i skim through the letter. "uhh... there's a dance next Tuesday. a semi-formal event for BDC Legends."

Legends are what they call the BDC graduates. i'm a Legend '10 and Max is a Legend '11.

"what time is it going to be?" she asks. i check. "starts at 7." i reply. "then on'til midnight." she smiles and nods. "cool." she says. "i'll ask Nathan if i can go."


we decide to watch Abduction. afterwards, Max says she has to go home. she says bye to all of us and heads out the door. i jolt and chase after her. "Max! hang on!" i yell, running from the living room.

she stops and waits for me in the driveway. i catch up. my tongue feels dry as i look her in the eyes. "i...uh... " i stutter, rubbing the back of my neck. " wouldyouliketogotothedancewithme?" i blurt out, suddenly. "it can be as friends, if you prefer it that way." i quickly added.

i felt like such a dork that i didn't see what was coming next. she flung her arms around my neck and hugged me. she pulled away after a second.

"of course i'll go to the dance with you!" she said happily. i sighed in relief. "awesome." i said, trying hard to play it cool. "that's great. i'm teaching a class at BDC tomorrow. wanna come with me to that too?"

she smiles and nods. we say bye and she heads on home. i'm feeling a little better. i know i like Max. i'm sure of it now and i'm not making anymore mistakes.... if i can help it.


what up, Invisible Kids? sorry this chapter was incerdibly short. i just thought this one up from the top of my head in Algebra this afternoon. i was so excited about the idea that i just had to post it today. Max and Cameron have a date! yessss!

so.... tell me what you think. vote, comment and follow me if you like it.

can you guys do me a favor, please? i would really appreciate 15 votes before i put up the next chapter. please and thank you. keep the comments rolling. i love hearing from you guys.

Astronomically, Nix.

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