These are my friends (part 2)

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For the first time Jacob noticed the suitcases that each person had with them.
"Oh! I didn't expect that, I'll make rooms up for everybody. If the girls take the drawing room it should be big enough, as for Miss Peregrine this room should be plentiful for you. Everybody else I'll see if I can make a bit of space in my room. Any questions?"

"Please may you show us around your house Mr. Portman." Miss Peregrine asked.
"Of course, follow me and watch out for my dad. My mum will be back later." They stood up with their suitcases so they could deposit them in the correct rooms.

Coming out of the biggest room of the house and back into the corridor. The peculiar children followed Jacob like sheep. The first room they came to was a large room with fainting chairs and sofas and quite a high ceiling.

 The first room they came to was a large room with fainting chairs and sofas and quite a high ceiling

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"This is the girls room. I hope it will be alright I'll get blankets for you and you can use cushions as pillows."
Murmurs of 'it's beautiful', 'I hope I don't get stuck up there' and 'it's a bit girly' came from the girls and it was easy to tell which statement came from who.

Moving on they came to another closed door.
"This is the main sitting room I wouldn't go in just yet I think he's in there. Next we have the dining room and over here is the kitchen."
Going upstairs there was three doors all of which were closed.

"The door furthest away is my parents room, the middle door is the bathroom and the one we're stood next to is my room. Come in." Jacob said opening the door. Not one of them had been inside a modern bedroom let alone house before so it was an overwhelming experience.

 Not one of them had been inside a modern bedroom let alone house before so it was an overwhelming experience

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"This is where us boys will be staying if that's ok?" He said.
"There's more than enough room for everybody in this house. Thank you Jacob." Emma said grasping his hand and resting her head on his shoulder.
"Y-yeah it's no problem." he stuttered back.

After leaving their suitcases in their allocated rooms the children followed Jacob to the kitchen where they found him with his head stuck in the fridge.

"One problem, we haven't been shopping this week so there is absolutely nothing to eat for dinner. Who wants to come shopping?" He asked. Excited looks on faces grew as everyone raised their hands.
"Well what are we waiting for, come on then." Jacob said as he waited for them to cover themselves up a bit more; Hugh put his coat on, Claire put her hat on, Millard took all of his clothes off and they all gathered in the car Emma in the front next to Jacob as he was the only one who could drive.

None of the peculiars had ever been in a car before so it took him a good while to explain how to put a seat belt on.

They were on their way, asking a few (a lot) of questions about how to drive, how do people survive with technology and quite a few on the type of clothes people often wore.

Luckily it was only a short car ride to the shops unless Jacob might not have survived it. They all piled back out to random shoppers amusement as seemingly 9 (Millard's invisible) children stepped out of a 7 seat car and was the most peculiar looking lot of children ever.

"Follow me and try not to get lost." Jacob sighed. They watched in fascination as he unlocked a trolley with a coin.

Pointing the trolley at the door they opened automatically making the peculiars jump back in surprise.
"Erm, is it safe to walk through?" Claire asked.
"Of course it is, don't worry they won't close." Jacob said.

Cautiously they proceeded forward incase the doors sprung closed. Inside was a whirlwind of colour and smells to the children who had never been shopping in a modern shop before.

About halfway through their shopping and adding random things to the trolley Jacob spotted a boy with bright green spiky hair.
"Keep your heads down and don't look at him." he said when he noticed everyone staring.

"Hey Portman, what you doing here for and with all these weird kids?" The boy shouted at him.
"Just some shopping Ricky with my friends nothing much now if you'll excuse us we must be going."

"What's gotten into you where did you go?" He asked.
"Nowhere of your concern." Jacob said trying to push past him. Ricky however put his arm out and stopped him doing so.

"Will you please let us go." Fiona said, speaking for the first time since arriving.
"Oh, and what are you going to do about it, have another bad hair day?" He smirked. Hugh went up to Fiona and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Aww, that's ok you have your little boyfriend to keep you safe." He smirked again even though Hugh towered over him.

"Ricky, tell you what, meet me in THE alley and we'll settle this just not in front of the CCTV." Jacob said holding his hand out.
"Deal." Ricky said shaking it.

The journey back was short and no one spoke much they were all to surprised about what Jacob had set up for himself. The shopping was put away and 7 o'clock had come, this was it.

"Right, I'll be back in half an hour don't come after me unless I shout then I'm really in need of help but I don't think it'll get to that. If I can control a dozen hollows I think I can take on one normal." Jacob said pulling his coat on, Miss Peregrine had already retired to her room otherwise she might have talked it out of him.

The last they saw of him was as the door closed. Thirty minutes past, with no shout, and every person waited with baited breath until Jacob walked back in with a bloody nose and a dark bruised eye.

"Jake, what took so long?" Emma cried throwing her arms around him.
"Who won?" Asked an overly excited Enoch.
"Well answering Emma's question I only took half an hour and let's just say he won't EVER insult my family again, and Enoch the answer to yours is look who's still standing...conscious." he smiled at the peculiars who cheered just until Maryann Portman walked in and fainted at the sight.

Sorry, school started this week so my updates haven't been the best. They'll be whenever I'm free without homework so just about never haha. I'll try my best.

Jess xx

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