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This is set before Abe is killed by the hollow and Jacob believes in the peculiars.

Jacob, surprisingly, couldn't wait for this trip to Wales with his grandfather to visit his old friends. He wasn't expecting much apart from some old people who all knew each other from being kids.

How very wrong was he.

It had been two days since the pair had left Florida and had arrives on a small island called Cairnholm. Here they found the pub which had one room left.

All the while Abraham Portman was becoming more and more agitated, and that was a lot despite being aged. He would never stop talking about the 'Bird', whoever that was.

Today was the day they would search for the old children's home. Putting their boots and coats on, they set off out of the door and into the rain.

"Where do these people live Grandpa?" Jacob asked.
"They live 'round the other side of the island Yacob, I think you'll like them very much and some are around your age too." This left Jacob baffled, how were they around his age if his Grandpa had been friends with them years ago. Deciding not to ask they trudged on through the mud on a small path in the middle of nowhere.

After what seemed like an eternity the reached a clearing and there stood the infamous house, it's former glory having departed it decades ago.

Abe's POV

The old house stood in ruins unlike I once remembered it, the memories of them, of Emma, washed over me and I felt my knees go weak.

I felt Jacob tug my sleeve,
"Grandpa why is the house like this?"
"You see Yacob when I lived here it was in the war and the Bird kept us safe, unfortunately they didn't get back in time and the bomb hit the house. Let's go in, I need to see it again."

Jacob was left pondering over what his I had said 'the Bird had kept us safe' and 'they didn't get back in time' none of it made sense. But nevertheless followed me in. A deep breath of stale air inside brought back all of my lost memories and made me feel young again.

"Let's explore." I told Jacob who wasn't very keen to do so.

We looked around the downstairs first going into the sitting room I saw Olive's and Claire's dolls house with furniture and dolls slung across the room caused by the explosion.

Next was the library, here Millard and sometimes Horace and Bronwyn would read and study. The books sat on creaking, bowing shelves which once used to be strong and heavy. There was an nostalgic air to each room as if people still lived here and patrolled the rooms and corridors.

We came to the dining room which connected to the kitchen, this is where we had such marvellous food. Olive's chair sat still belted to the floor, and Hugh's table that once sat in the corner was now thrown elsewhere.

The kitchen, where we all took turns to cook and wash up, was covered in food from jars that had spent years thawing and freezing. However, the old oven still stood in its original place, too heavy to be moved.

I walked past the Headmisstress office, even though the door was blown off its hinges I didn't go in.

Me and Jacob reached two flights of stairs, one going up and another going down. We decided to go down, only one peculiar had been allowed down here and that was Enoch.
"Don't be sick from what you see down." I told Jacob.
"It can't be that bad." He replied before switching the torch on his phone on and his face quickly paled. All around us were floating organs in jars, it was a sight to consume if you wasn't already used to it.

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