Starting Out Rough

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~Catching Petals~

By: Foxes-Rock


Theres a saying that foes do not exist; Mearly Rivarly. Maybe thats what happened when Tomoe and Nanami; Ex Best friends keep up their charades in Trying to outdo each other. But their friends and Tomoe's Brothers see it in a different light, Only what will they do when they learn about their past demons?

Chapter: 1


Through all this time I have wondered many a think when it comes to friendship and being there for someone. Maybe its because I was never really that good at it and took everything on my own. I chose to be the lone wolf int he pack and I had decided that from the beginning.

I didn't expect her to move in next door, Me and my brothers were stubbornlly annoyed at my fathers attempt of play dates and what not; But with my lone prsonaitly... It didn't seem to fit with 'Her.'

She would bother me, prod at me and always seem to try to get up in my space, until I was forced to speak to her in a kind manner by my own father- such a traitor he was. We evenutally became friends and me and my brothers welcomed her whenever she decided to come.

But something happened and even though to this day I don't understand WHAT happened, ur friendship; me and that girls friendship snapped at the very seams and now I can't stand it when she comes.

Sadly through all the years she still comes, she still bothers us and I myself would be better off in another room; I stll have yet to figure out what made her snap that day and honesty I don't care.

She pisses me off to highest bitter, but that was when we were little.. and this is now.'

This is now.


A white haired teen blankly looked at the roof, his eyes searching for some good reason to stay in his room; and he had many. His violet eyes searched the roof for an answer hidden in the white paint and for some reason he could find none.

Not a one.'

His ears pinned, given he was a kitsune teenager in a house that was run by a god. Or should he say his birth father, Mikage. His mother was out on business and his adoptive brothers ( Or at least thats what his father called them even though they didn't live there. ) Whre probably getting ready that very minute..

That very minute,

For some Bozo to walk through the door. The Bozo had long brown hair and brown eyes, It was a she and SHE Was shorted then him in comparsion. She wore a skirt most of the time and a tank top the other rest of the time. She also wore those annoying socks that slid down your leg if you didn't keep pulling them up.'

She liked to bounce around and at one point in their childhood lives.. One point. They were pretty close; and then something seemed to block them and their friendship turned from well, friends to absolute compeition.'

He wasn't in the mood to compete tonight'

The teen grumbeld, crossed his arms and refused to leave his bed before the door came open and a tall man with glasses stared at the boy and blinked slightly.. he paused, looked around the dull room then back at his son before arching his brow and propping his hands on his hips.'

" Tomoe, Why don't you look ready for Nanami-Chans visit?" he arched his brow but earned a loud scoff from his son who turned his back on him and huffed slightly, he seemed rather annoyed and the man had to admit this had been going on ever since they were youngr.'

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