The Only One?

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8. The Only One?

Tomoe mentally twitched, dug his short nails into his palms and then headed into the school building....... he had decided himself that he was fine, He was fine to go to schoola dn then emotional trauma that he had gone through years ago was not going to affect him this time.

He refused to let it bother him. He could get through this day anyway. The fox already knew he had missed to many days of school and he would have extra homework from the missed classes from yesterday. He knew this was going to get hard.. and his head was going to hurt like mad.'

But he had to do it.

The fox walked into the school building and sighed out when he heard the bell go off.. Of course he was late.. His mother tried to convince him not to go that day but deep down he knew that staying home and being babied was worse torture.. now he was going to get scolded either way for being late to school once again.'

The fox sighed out, knowing full well it was so before going to the classroom and seeing Nanami through the window... She was staring blankly ahead and for some reason he arched his brow..

Was she day dreaming again?


Tomoe grunted softly and opened the door before walking in and bowing his head weakly,

" Sorry for being so late..' he whispered as his teacher paused but nodded slightly, but propped his hands on his hips and almost huffed darkly,

" Make sure it doens't happen again.' he huffed but Tomoe nodded balnkly.. he didn't care if the guy got mad... if anything he just wanted to get this day over with... was that a crime or something?

He didn't know.. But he was still shaky from what happened the day before, his head hurt... so did his shoulders and legs from being up all night and sleeping on the couch once again. He was tired... and his eyes provedit as he took his seat and sat down slightly.

Nanami hardly looked at him, but when she did she paused slightly... What was wrong with him all of a sudden? He looked tired and exhausted, she didn't know how to put that given he was always full of energy, given his yokai ability.

So what was with Tomoe all of a sudden?

She bit her lip and swallowed softly, her eyes weak and confused before the teacher started to speak once more. To be truthful Nanami had went home the day before and got to talk to Ami and Kei at home. Thank goodness she was able to pick up the phone before her mother did...

She had flopped on her bed and listened and talked all night, but Kei taold her a little more about Tomoe that shocked her. After she left he seemed shut off it seemed... and then heeven was absent alot from School. She didn't know what that meant but it worried her. Ami even said she recalled some teacher going down the hall with the teen surrounded by them, as if they were hdiing something and didn't want others kids to worry..

She didn't like the sound of that and just the thought of it worried her to the very core.

What was it that Tomoe could of gone through? She wasn't suure but she had a feeling it also dealt with bullying in the school. Nanami knew Tomoe used to deal with alot to do with his tail and all; but he always pushed it aside..

Its not like it really bothered him what other people thought of him....


Nanami paused as the lesson kept up but she stayed with her thoughts focused on Tomoe.... She didn't know why, he didn't like her.. in fact he hated her but she still was worried about everything, plus he left early with Inari-Sama the day before...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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