Detention Hall Talk.'

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2. Detention Hall Talk.'

Tomoe grunted slightly as he sat down at his desk in school, to be truthful he didn't want to come today but all for good reason. Nanami sat beside him in his classroom and he had to deal with her big mouth alll day long.

And he was not in the mood for it.'

The white haired teen sighed out, his eyes weak as he stared up at the wall clock right in front of the classroom. It wasn't too bad yesterday, once he and Nanami were done fighting his father let him stay in his room. He even brought him food and Tomoe got a call from his mother and he got to talk to her for a while.'

That was nice given she had taken a plane to America for some business eal of some sort; not that he minded. As long as she got home safe and sound, then he'd be okay. He smiled slightly at the thought before he heard a familair ' Flop!'

The fox froze up and then slightly looked at the girl before huffing darkly and looking forward again. Great, just what he needed really, Someone to bother him. Tomoe ground his teeth but stayed silent as the teacher walked in.

Nanami meanwhile had her hair down and her uniform seemed to fit her perfectly at the moment. But Tomoe ignored her and decided to keep his attention ahead of him on the blackbaord. The teacher was slightly fixing his glasses before he looked up and beamed slightly.

" Hello Class! And Wlecome to our new semester. " he smiled gently " We have Nanami Momozono joining us today.' he beamed softly and then sighed out, " She has just moved back into town so please make her feel welcome!" he smiled before turning towards the black baord,

" Now. As of your homework." he began but the whole class graoned in comparision to their hate for the work ahead of them. Oh how they missed summer, but Tomoe was just looking forward not caring and not really there. Yes he had to amdi tthe work was annoying at times but he often found himself reading up on humans like his mother had taught him to do.

If they were going to live together he needed to know right? Tomoe tapped his pencil idlely and paused when he noticed someone throwing bits of paper in his hair. He paused and then tiwtched before looking over at Nanami who was smirking slightly.'

She then pointed at the paper and Tomoe huffed and looked away.. his eyes blank. he was not getting in troubel for stuff like this. She and him used to pass notes in grade school and that ended in alot of parent calls.....

Espeically when he curious about girls; not that he would ever admit it.

Tomoe sighed out weakly and tapped his pencil again before the teacher walked up to him making him blink slightly,

" Tomoe Mikage.. Please stop disturbing the peace.' he smiled gently but walked back to the baord and Tomoe felt himself gulp and stop his pencil from making such loud noises... But he flushed all the same as some people snickered in the back.

"Dang it...' he muttered and then twitched when another paper hit his head.. he picked up the older one and read it... only to growl undr his breathe,

' Stop tapping your pencil.'

The newer one read,

' Told ya so Baka. No Trust.'

Tomoe glared at the paper, his eyes twitched before he chucked it into his desk and tried not to get caught because of the girl, he rubbed his brow.. his head now hurting before a note was passed once more...


'HA! Finally! She was going to get in trouble for something at least! The perfect miss Nanami Momozono from grade school was going to have her name written on the black baord or.. or something.. But.. No. Fate hated him and he hated fate right back.

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