Panic Triggers, and Petals

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7. Panic Triggers, And Petals

Tomoe paused slightly, his eyes blank as Inari walked with him out of the school building... he wasn't going to go, but when the came and claimed to be his uncle....

He had to go.

The teen huffed darkly and stared at the black car in front of him. He had to remember to kill his mother and father later on, They had sent this... This Man to take him to the hel of all ex cutters. He almost groaned and placed his head against the side of the car, but his ear was already hurting and he didn't want to hurt anything else on his body.

The fox shivered slightly but then grumbled when the doctor smiled gently and opened the door... Inari. He had brown hair, a slight beard and he had been the one that was huge best friends with his father when they were both younger.

In fact his father met his mother because of Inari, and then he came a little after they had met. Tomoe grumbled slightly but got into the car, his head leaned on his hand, ignoring the red band he had on his arm.

He didn't understand this at all..

And yet he did.

Ever since Nanami left things went down for him, majorly to the point he wanted nothing more then to stop falling.. if only he knew he already hit rock bottom. He had been so messed up that when his parents found out they were scared have to death, and then started takin ghim to rehab weakly..

Not for pills, not for alcohol... but for self harm and majoy emotional damage. MAJOR emotional damage.... and now he had to talk all this through with this.... perosn that he didn't know. He didn't even want to open up to him but he knew if Inari was here to pick him up then his mother and father had agreed to send him to his school and pick him up.

At least Inari was curtious and told everyone he was Tomoe's uncle and not his main doctor. The teen huffed slightly.... his eyes weakly as he slouched in the seat only for Inari to climb in and then slightly look around before nodding at Tomoe.

The teen growled weakly.. his eyes weak. It figured.... ever since things started to happen Inari was there for them all... but Tomoe felt like he was walking on eggshells at school and at home. it was like his mther and father were waiting for him to loose it again- not that he remotely blamed them..

But still...

Tomoe grunted and undid his cufflings before sliding his sleeves up and letting Inari checked the deep scars that were nicely healing up. He paused and then slightly pressed on one leaving Tomoe to yelp out and whine slightly.

No he had no ct his arm recently, but he had cut to do more then bleed on that spot.... and sadly had some nerve damage. So he winced out and slightly twitched in his seat as Inari nodded and then sighed out a bit,

" It hurts more becase of your fox fire you host..' he whispered but Tomoe shivered it off and pretended to ignroe him and the pain. He didn't need this mans concern. He didn't need his pity party and he didn't Want to think about anything that had happened before...

He didn't need that.'

Tomoe sighed out and covered his arms leaving the man to sigh out gently and then start the car,

" This is for your own good Tomoe... I know it seems bad but try not to look at it like that.' he whispered softly and Tomoe felt himself look away and growl under his breathe... his father and mothere were going to get it.

He didn't know if he could do this.... and his stomach hurt so bad that he felt sick and out of it. He didn't want to see some.... some shrink...'

He wasn't crazy, just messed up from those last years of his life so why did he need this emotional torture?? He didn't want to talk about it so why was he being forced to do so? Tomoe winced but looked out the window and held his ear from the pain it had...

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