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6.' Decisions'

Tomoe grumbled to himself as he walked into the school and sat down at his desk once ore for what seemed to be the thousanth time in his whole life... and sadly it was a thousanth time to many.... The fox sighed out weakly... his eyes weak and slightly baggy from the lack of sleep from the previous nights of ilness and sickness.'

He didn't want to be there, but since Exams was coming up he was stuck with all his studying once again.... Plus it was raining again that day so he had to cover up his head and make sure his ears didn't get infected again.'

The tee sighed out and leaned his head into his hand.... But he knew that Nanami sat down beside him when he heard a small,


He rolled his eyes suddenly.. Something told him she got the short end of the stick too and got sick as well... but that he cared. If anything he wished she'd leave again so he didn't have to listen to her sneezing all through class.

He sighed out gently and scratched his desk, waiting for the teacher to show up before he weakly looked at the time and grumbled under his breathe..... Inari would try to contact him again soon and he really didn't want to listen to him. If anything he'd try to get him on anti depressants and he didn't want that at all..'

Tomoe sighed out and yawned behind his hand due to the early morning before the teacher walked in, smiled and then begant the lecture of the day... to cut it short Tomoe knew what he ws talking about and had studied for it before he even got sick in the long run.

So he was home free for now.'

The teen grunted when the bell rung out through the whole area and he weakly hosted himself to his feet, when he had won that little battle he grabbed his side bag and ade his way out of the hall.... He was surprised though.

Nanami didn't bother him at all today, And it was so releiving..

He breathed out and blew some hair out of his eyes before walking to the caffieteria.. His head slightly hurt from his ear ache and he almost held it and winced; but instead he held a strong face and kept walking forward.

Once there he looked aorund until he saw Mizuki sitting on a table and talking to some girls and guys that were seating around him, when the white haired teen looked up he gasped slightly and then waved befpre hopping down and running over,

" Hello Tomoe-Kun!" he beamd happily and almost rocked on his heels.. Tomoe however shook his head slightly. How could this guy be so giddy.... The fox however pointed at is ear and Mizuki gasped and covered his mouth cutely

" S-Sorry!" he gasped slightly, " I didn't know you got something....." he muttered blankly as Tomoe shrugged, his voice was still slightly cracked and he would have to blame Nanami for all of this..... she was the reason he was out in the rain to begin with.'

Tomoe sighed out and stretchd as Mizuki started to yak to him..... and sadly he listened to eveything the snake had to put out there..

The fox sighed out gently but walked to the line from where you buy your lunch; he kept listening but looked forward balnkly...

Now to learn how to tune Mizuki out...'


Nanami sighed out weakly and dragged herself into the caffeteria for lunch, Her feet seemed to scrape the floor but for all good reason. She had picked up something from the other day of standing out in the rain and screaming at Tomoe...

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