Sick of You'

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5. Sick Of You'

Tomoe weakly tossed and turned, his mind was playing with him and he felt so sick... so very sick. His stomach turned and he felt like lurching again; but then again he felt that someone... who he had no clue.. was in the room with him.

He didn't know what to think.. what to expect. His mother was there, maybe his father but this pressence was so much different.. It was so notalgic that it left his stomach ozzing with that sick feeling that comes up when he see some old person from your past who had hurt you- and they want to speak again.

The white haired teen winced slightly, his stomach hurt and he didn't know what was happening to him at that very moment. He swallowed, his breathe then came out in a weak pant... sweat slid down his brown and his heart was pounding with pain.

He hated this feeling... it hurt. It hurt alot and his stomach made him want to up chuck all over again...

But the thing that made it weird was soft shushing noises.. and the feeling of a rag on his neck, face and chest. He whined out... he smelled.... Citrus. Maybe some citrus oil or something? Wait..


No... That wasn't possible...

The person kept rubbing the sweet smelling stuff on him and he sighed out gently until he relaxed... it was almost calming and when he opened his eyes wearily he saw splashes of brown and green..... He gripped the arm close to his neck but softly slipped off when someone sat down on the bed and stroked his head gently.

" Thank you Gwen...' Elisa, Tomoes mother sighed out gently and stroked his head... Gwen, a woman with brown hair and green eyes hummed softly and then gently closed the bottles cap that was in her hands,

" Its not a problem.. thank you.. for the pie.' She whispered softly and almost smiled to brightly before sighing out weakly.... The pie.... She knew that from the start when she saw Tomoe her daughter would be back inside.. crying on the bathroom floor..

It figured as much though.'

Nanami wasn't here when things got bad for the mikages... when the fights broke out and then things seemed hopeless. She wasn't there and it was very understanable, as for Tomoe he was weary of Nanami... almost hate filled.

But deep down the woman still saw the boy as a sweet child with a huge load on his shoulders.... This much she knew already.

" Ah yes..' Elisa blinked suddenly and then smiled softly, " I wanted to make you one for a while.. how does roast next week sound?"She smiled before Gwen paused and then softly clcked the cap on the bottle with a soft snap,

" I.. Thats much appreciated... but we really don't need it-

" Don't say that' The blonde woman muttered and her soft almost too purpleish mahogony eyes glinted with warning, " I saw how your house looked Gwen...... Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered weakly as the woman blinked and then sighed out weakly.

" Well..' She whispered, " When Nanami went away it was in our best intrest... we were starting to struggle... my husband started to... misteriously... not come home till one in the morning.. and when Nanami... came home one day and said she wanted to go to her aunts... Well it seemed like a better opinion. I tried to save up as much as I could; but sadly in the long run I lost everything... even Gerald.' She whispered softly.'

" When Nanami came back... she saw how everything was but instead of going back she said he would try to help.... Not that I want her in this situation." She whispered softly as elisa nodded and stroked Tomoe's head... She sighed out gently..

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