A Mothers Tough; and Baked Pies?

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3. A Mothers touch; and Baked Pies?

The car rocked slightly as it rode through the lit up streets, Tomoe sighed out gently, his headphones were specially planted in his ears and he sighed out, not caring if his breathe fogged the window and smeared it slightly. He didn't really mind. His mind was swimming and his head hurt slightly from earlier and his small talk with his father.

He shivered, turned on the heat and rubbed his arms through his school unifrom before the car pulled into the house and let its lights play along side the garage door. When the door went up and the car stopped Tomoe sat there in the dark for a few minutes before getting out and pulling his feet to the side. He boosted himself up and sighed out gently as he walked into the house from ajoining door and then pulling his headphones out as the colder house.

That was until his father walked in and everything seemed to warm him to the core.. he breathe dout in relaxtion and sat down weakly after popping his shoes off. He gripped his bag and then pulled out his homework before starting it rigth away.

His father on the other hand sat beside him with his laptop and started to type some work down. Now your probably wondering what his father is, and why he is. Tomoes' father was a god, The god of Mikage shrine.

Ever since some cicumstances the man moved them to a house which seemed to be a better envirement for Tomoe; the shrine was still owned by them and know for a vacation home.' It was more homey to Tomoe there but right now that was not an opinion.

His father was the god of Match making and he was a yoaki child. His mother was on a buisness trip and would be back anyday now and Tomoe honestly wished she would get home soon.'

He and his father were close but he and his mother were still closer.'

So Tomoe really was looking forwards to her coming and showing up at their house. The teen sighed out and then chewed the tip of his pencil, he sunk down on the couch and then answered the question before wincing from the english homework. At least it was a small worksheet.'

He sighed out suddenly and then softly stretched, his back popped slightly but he ignroed it and sighed out, he then popped the TV on and stared bluntly before his eyes slightly drooped and he found himself slipping off to sleep. Mikage blinked and looked up from his latop before smiling gently and sighing out softly,

"We love you Tomoe.." he whispered softly and kissed his head before covering the teen up and getting up himself. He wasn't going to turn in just yet.. but that was because he ahd a reason to stay up.

Mikage sighed out gently but then paused when the key jiggled in the doorframe and he found his lips pulling into a slight smile; he hummed slightly and waited for the door open and when it did he relaxed when he saw his blonde haired wife sit her bag down and then look up at him. She blinked.. her eyes wide when she caught him waiting for her.

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